Secrets of closing the sale!
You can’t sit at the table of success for too long
or you’ll feel bored and dead. — Tony Robbins
If you are an excellent customer,
you can completely switch from the sales team
to the credit department
or the production department,
while still maintaining the efficiency of your work.
Thus, you have clearly seen that the difference
between a real sales expert
and an ordinary salesperson is not at all
in the ability to sell,
but the key point is in other factors such as trust,
quality and relationship…
Good sales people are honest,
know how to balance life.
They have broad knowledge
and are always looking for creative ways
to solve the problems they face.
An excellent salesperson has the potential
to be an influential manager.
They act as a bridge
between customers and company employees.
They motivate employees to work,
help them improve productivity
and pride in their work,
aiming to build and maintain a trusting
and beneficial relationship with customers.
The excellent salesperson
helps customers simplify the buying decision process
by being ready
to provide additional sources of useful information in the event
that the product or service he offers can meet the needs of the customer demand.
Customers appreciate that integrity,
and they also expect practical advice
and thorough answers to all their questions.
Excellent sales people always care about their company
and customers,
specifically their enthusiasm for work,
professional working style
and ability
to understand people greatly affect the level
of success merit of the deal.
They are always careful in their relationship
with customers
as well as with technical support staff,
which helps to build customer trust.
They also understand that the
The goods or services themselves cannot create real value,
but the attitude of the seller.
A genius is simply one
who has taken full possession of his own mind
and directed it toward objectives of his own choosing,
without permitting outside influences
to discourage or mislead him. — Napoleon Hill
The space you occupy
and the authority you exercise may be measured
with mathematical exactness
by the service you render. — Napoleon Hill
A sales professional never lets his ego get in the way of his work.
He understands that his task is not
to try to convince customers
to make a buying decision,
but to provide them with all the information they need
so that they can make the most informed decision.
Besides, he also provides more inspirational information
that can have a strong impact on customers,
so they will be more motivated
before making the best decision.
A good salesperson will be so patient
that he will not be easily annoyed by
what the customer has to say.
This does not mean that they accept
both insults or abusive actions,
but they do understand
that this customer has been used many times
by other sellers and that the customer
is turning down the offer
to buy recommendations
from unscrupulous salespeople,
not his own.
You must take personal responsibility.
You cannot change the circumstances,
the seasons,
or the wind,
but you can change yourself.
That is something you have charge of. — Jim Rohn
When you find your heart’s desire,
you’ll have the key
to unlocking your potential
in every other part of your life. — Brian Tracy
A good salesperson not only invests in research about the product
or service he is offering,
but also learns the factors
that determine the success of each particular deal.
With the conviction of a winner,
he uses the accumulated knowledge flexibly
and always works according to the plan,
not arbitrary.
As an expert,
he understands
that there are many ways to say something,
but only one of them is the best.
Therefore, he often carefully selects the best phrases,
and expressions for each of his presentations.
He feels it is his responsibility
to make a clear presentation
so that the customer can see the great benefits
that the product brings.
He also knows that the abusive actions of customers are just
for “self-protection”
when they don’t have the confidence to say no.
He knows the general rule
for sales people is to “find
what the customer wants
and help them get it”
and never breaks this rule.
Achieve self-mastery over your thoughts,
and constantly direct them toward your goals
and objectives.
Learn to focus your attention on the goals
that you want to achieve and on finding ways
to achieve those goals. —Napoleon Hill
Praise is a powerful people-builder.
Catch individuals doing something right. — Brian Tracy
A sales professional understands that he must never stop learning.
He always researched in great detail about his clients,
company documents,
and even the art of persuasion.
Reading helpful books,
listening to inspirational tapes,
attending training sessions are routine activities of
a professional salesperson
and in most meetings with customers,
he Learn more about human nature.
He is aware that if he wants
to change his social status,
he must change his ability to work.
To change his ability to work,
he needs to change the way he thinks.
To change the way he thinks,
he needs to change the object he thinks about,
so he’s always very selective about what inspires him
because the human mind is a sacred place,
not a place.
the trash can that people throw everything in.
A sales professional often learns by observing
how experienced salespeople work,
no matter what industry he
or she is working in,
to find the answer to the question:
“How can I master the business?
catch these tactics and apply
to your sales situation?”.
He understands that customers
only make the final decision based on
what they already understand and believe,
so he always seeks
to offer the most competitive price
that makes the deal smooth
and reliable.
You’re the average of the five people
you spend the most time with. — Jim Rohn
You cannot become a power in your community
nor achieve enduring success in any worthy undertaking
until you become big enough
to blame yourself
for your own mistakes and reverses.— Napoleon Hill
Every morning when he wakes up,
he thinks about what customers he will meet today,
what to tell them
and how to say it most convincingly.
And when he returned home,
he reflected on what he did
and what he didn’t do today.
He has always kept in mind
that selling is about conveying emotions,
and that expressions of hypocrisy
when calling
or meeting customers face-to-face have the same consequences.
In addition,
he knows his responsibility towards his family is
to contribute to raising his children well.
He wants his wife to think
that she is having a good husband
and that he is also trying
to be a good husband.
All in all, his actions come
from conscious motives
and it’s amazing
how those motives gradually become instinctive!
The sales professional understands
that customers buy to meet their own needs,
not because of what he presents.
Therefore, he studies very carefully about the getting motivation
and behavior of customers.
As a result,
he realized that
in order to influence the behavior of others,
it was first necessary
to understand those behaviors.
Sales professionals are also very optimistic
and always look at the bright side of life.
He understands his customers have endured all kinds
of gloom and unhappiness,
so they won’t welcome any salesman
who brings them more trouble.
A sales professional knows for sure
that he has the ability
to adjust the atmosphere of the meeting,
and because of that,
he will not discuss matters unrelated to sales.
It is always aiming
for an atmosphere of excitement
and optimism that makes the chances
of a successful deal more certain.
He sets goals that are within his power
and focuses on immediate goals such as making a sale,
calming an angry customer,
or making a phone call
because he wants his relationship
with the customer to always be successful going well.
By setting goals within reach,
a sales professional knows quite well the driving forces
that drive customer buying decisions
and tries to help them achieve
what they want to the best of their ability.
His enthusiasm and dedication
to his work is transmitted to his clients,
which prompts them
to act immediately in response to that excitement.
Remember that the beginning of spectacular achievements
is always consecutive failures.
In the face of difficult customers
or difficult deals,
remember that the difficult customer is the best teacher
and if a deal is so easy that anyone can
If done, the commission
for it will be only one-tenth of that of a normal business.
A sales professional understands very well
that competition is becoming more and more fierce,
so he also needs to be tougher and more aggressive.
Even though he was confident in himself,
his opponent wasn’t inferior at all.
Sales expert Mike Frank says,
“A professional salesperson must have
and maintain a ‘lead-seeking instinct’.
He is constantly searching
for customers through relationships
with both current and past customers,
as well as anyone he has contact with,
regardless of whether the result is a sale or not.
For him, all information is valuable
and the opportunity to meet potential customers
is always present anywhere,
in supermarkets,
The man who does more than he is paid
for will soon be paid
for more than he does. — Napoleon Hill
We begin to see,
the importance of selecting our environment
with the greatest of care,
because environment
is the mental feeding ground out of which the food
that goes into our minds is extracted. — Napoleon Hill
He’s a thoughtful person.
He understands that he must constantly strive,
not just be content
with the trivial things in front of him.
Therefore, he always appreciates the materials
and tactics that support his work.
If his current tactics work, he’ll stick with them,
but he absolutely won’t allow himself to be satisfied
or compromise with a flawed sales process.
The starting point of all achievement is desire.
Keep this constantly in mind.
Weak desire brings weak results,
just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat. — Napoleon Hill
If all we needed were ideas
and positive thinking,
then we all would have had ponies
when we were kids
and we would all be living our “dream life” now. — Tony Robbins
Because he has a clear direction for his career,
every action of an excellent salesperson is aimed at building a career,
not just making a single sale.
He understands
that clichés can’t leave anything in the customer’s mind,
so to get the deal,
he needs to prove the true value of the goods
or services he provides.
Only when realizing that real value,
customers will put their full trust.
He also understands
that customers can forget what they hear,
can remember what they see,
but if given
seen with their own eyes
and directly operated,
they will understand the value of the product
and tend to act to own it.
With that in mind,
he always finds a way to draw the customer’s attention
to his product presentation.
He wants customers
to feel the smallest details of the product,
he will let them touch
to feel the softness of each fabric
(if he sells fabric),
let them try on the keyboard on computer
to feel the excellent processing speed of the CPU
(if he is giving a presentation on a computer)
and also use visual aids
and “certificate of quality” for his presentation.
More convinces.
A sales professional would encourage his wife
to try out the vacuum cleaner he was selling.
A female cosmetics saleswoman will invite customers
to try on makeup
with a set of makeup products she is selling.
Only then will they believe
that they bring good results.
In short, a professional salesperson always finds ways
to get customers interested in the use of a product,
goods or service.
A sales professional is very confident.
He believes that his product will solve the customer’s problem
and truly cares about the customer buying the product
for their own benefit.
That confidence is so strong
that the client feels somewhat convinced
when he looks him in the eye.
Ultimately, his confidence enables him to boldly demand
that customers buy now all for their own good.
Goals at work are very stimulating and motivating,
so sales professionals tend to use their spare time
to do sales-related things.
For example, write thank you letters to customers,
make phone calls to ask customers,
find more potential customers,
read useful documents for sales work.
Tell the world what you intend to do,
but first show it. — Napoleon Hill
The world doesn’t pay you for what you know,
it pays you for what you do. — Jack Canfield
The appearance of a salesman also partly speaks of his professionalism.
Dressing well, developing the right attitude towards work and yourself,
and applying good practices are
what a true sales professional does on a daily basis.
A successful sales professional is very disciplined.
He understands that a person
who is not consistent is easily swayed
by many other temptations.
He knows it’s easy for salespeople
to “add” a little bit of truth to get customers to buy.
So one sales expert always remembers
the following quote from Will Rogers:
“I’d rather be the one
who was tricked into buying the Brooklyn Bridge
than the one who sold it.”
This statement implies that he is willing to be the loser
but still protects his integrity
and never takes advantage of others.
Although he knows that it is not easy to do that,
he knows that he will not have to be “bad”
when he suffers to be a good person.
One of the hallmarks of a great salesperson is persistence.
His guiding principle is the quote
from sales coach Steve Brown,
who says,
“Try every means necessary,
even if it fails.”
He understands the truth that we are all.
We don’t rely on others to get things done,
we help them grow through our work.
In short, to get results he has to act,
and before he does,
he needs to learn.
A sales professional always consciously builds a library
that stores information about the sales work,
sales process,
and customers,
and constantly adds information to enrich his library.
He understands
that the average salesperson spends several hundred dollars a year
on his appearance
and several thousand more on travel.
After spending thousands of dollars just
to prepare for the sale,
he clearly understood
what he should do
when he met a customer.
He assesses the prospect of investing in books,
and sales training seminars
and understands
that it is impossible to compare the costs he
and the company have to pay
to land a deal with damages if he loses the deal
because of lack of information or incompetence.
Set your mind on a definite goal
and observe how quickly the world stands aside
to let you pass. — Napoleon Hill
To achieve major success in life
to achieve those things that are most important to you
you must assume 100% responsibility for your life.
Nothing less will do. — Jack Canfield
You can’t become a salesperson
just by answering a newspaper ad
or carrying a briefcase full of fliers;
just as you can’t become a computer engineer by buying a computer;
or that a stethoscope will make you a doctor.
To become a salesperson,
you don’t just need to smile,
dress neatly,
tell funny stories,
and just learn a few “golden” rules.
A sales professional must carry the image
of a world record-breaking high jumper.
When someone asked him how he did it,
he would answer,
“I put my heart over the bar
and so my whole body passed follow!”.
When you truly put your heart
and soul into your sales profession and your company,
you will acquire the skills,
and techniques you need to succeed.
Dr. Robert Schuller,
author of Move Ahead with Possibility Thinking,
says that the beginnings of spectacular achievements
are always consecutive failures.
Success is good at any age,
but the sooner you find it,
the longer you will enjoy it. — Napoleon Hill
If you’re aware when it’s going on,
you can deal with it and change it.
If you’re not aware of it,
you’ll be mystified at the states
that come and go seemingly without reason. — Tony Robbins
In professional sales,
a sales professional keeps in mind
that if he wants to build a lasting career,
he must use the formula:
“Last time
– Frequency
– Efficiency
– Profits introduce”.
Recent times.
How long has it been since you last contacted a customer to say
that you are available to assist them when needed,
that you appreciate working with them,
or to notify them of a new addition?
to your product line,
or a new application for a product they have purchased.
According to Dr. Braysich,
you need to remind customers,
even if they are already your good friends,
that you are eager to meet their needs
or solve their problems.
Usually. In today’s competitive environment,
you need to constantly remind your customers
that you still care about their needs.
If you don’t,
your competitors,
who never have the “I’ve got enough customers” satisfaction,
will jump in and take your customers.
One of the best sales people in the world
who always knows
how to make customers remember his name is Joe Girard.
His incredible success in the auto business earned him
the title of the record holder for the most car sales of the year.
Here are a few details:
(Unit: vehicle)
1963: 267; 1964: 307; 1965: 343
1966: 614; 1967: 667; 1968: 708
1969: 764; 1970: 843; 1971: 980
1972: 1208; 1973: 1425 (record year) 1974: 1376; 1975: 1360
1976: more than 1200; 1977: more than 1200
Over the course of fifteen years,
he sold an average of nearly 900 cars a year,
and those were individual sales
– not group sales.
Next, those are all real deals that take place,
not simply great deals.
Joe continued to hold the position of
“No. 1 Car Seller” in the US from 1967 to 1977.
Even though there were two recessions in the first 11 years,
he still sold more cars the following year than the year before
and from 1972 to 1977,
he sold an average of 1,300 cars a year.
There are many reasons
for Joe’s incredible success,
and one of them is the fact
that he regularly sends each of his customers
a greeting card on their holidays,
new years,
or special occasions.
How big is your influence on your customers?
How strong is your relationship with your customers?
Do your customers remember the last time they saw you?
Do you continue to pursue this career
because you are satisfied with
what you do or
because you have already made a good fortune
through your acquaintance?
Of course, it is also good to sell through your connections,
but if you believe that once they buy from you,
they will become your loyal customers,
that is an extremely dangerous
and wrong thinking.
I mean the recommendations of third parties
or to be exact from people
who have bought and used your product.
It’s the referrals that are extremely important,
especially for the first deals.
As you’ll see in the next chapter,
Chuck Bellows sold me a Cadillac
because his introduction was so compelling
that I took the initiative to go to him
because I trusted him.
A sales professional needs
to build such a good reputation.
Referral referrals are the easiest
and surest way to build a sales career.
The content of what we say accounts
for only 7% of the persuasive influence on the listener.
But how we present that content accounts for 38%
and the remaining 55% depends on our body language.
Your big opportunity may be right
where you are now. — Napoleon Hill
Imagine, as realistically as possible,
the place where you want to be in the near future,
the state you wish to reach
and the Universe will help you and guide you. — Napoleon Hill
Now let’s follow the work of a real sales professional.
I believe this story will cover the methods
and tactics commonly used in selling,
which any salesperson
or anyone
who “sells” ideas needs
to grasp psychology as well as convince your customers.
The content of the story covers changing intonation,
how to ask questions,
the importance of sales skills
and attitudes of salespeople,
successful negotiation methods,
how to put yourself in the shoes of the seller and buyers,
how to lead customers to make decisions,
how to make asking
for a discount no longer a dominant factor,
why sellers need to highlight “value”
About the product and how to make it…
Think twice before you speak,
because your words and influence
will plant the seed of either success
or failure in the mind of another. — Napoleon Hill
The imagination is both interpretative
and creative in nature. — Napoleon Hill
You see, this book cites a lot of stories.
There are two reasons I do it.
First, you won’t let your mind drift
when you come across good,
inspirational stories (hopefully I told them well).
Second, stories help us remember messages easier and longer.
In November 1975, we decided to buy a new car,
and because the 1976 Cadillac was stunning,
I went to two dealerships,
tested it in person,
and found the best quote.
Because our car is rarely used,
it takes us five or six years to change cars once.
That’s why we are not in a hurry but choose carefully.
In a conversation with a customer,
I shared my concerns about buying a new Cadillac.
So he advised me to go talk to Chuck Bellows
from the Cadillac Rodger Meier dealership.
After hearing what he said, I replied:
– Oh, you must know him very well.
Can you call and introduce me to Chuck?
He immediately replied:
Don’t worry, I’ll call right away.
Chuck is a very reputable person.
If he says it’s going to rain,
he can safely take the bucket outside
and prepare to catch the water!
After the conversation was over,
the customer called Chuck
and I drove straight to Rodger Meier.
While I was trying to find a parking spot,
Chuck noticed my car.
So Chuck went to the parking lot to pick me up.
Achieve self-mastery over your thoughts,
and constantly direct them
toward your goals and objectives.
Learn to focus your attention on the goals
that you want to achieve
and on finding ways
to achieve those goals. — Napoleon Hill
Your greatest asset is your earning ability,
to apply your knowledge,
skills in order to get results which others will pay. — Brian Tracy
Chuck is a classic guy
and is clearly an introvert.
He said as soon as he opened the car door for me:
– Are you sure you are Zig Ziglar?
– Yes I’m here.
– Oh, Mr. Ziglar,
I think the car you’re driving is one of the coolest cars I’ve ever seen!
Point to note:
Compliments about a previous
or most recent sale will easily spark conversation.
“If you want customers to feel happy
and comfortable before preparing to buy something,
the best way is to make customers proud
because they have made the right decision before.
And Chuck did just that!
This is the hypothetical case
(if the salesperson is telling the truth).
And if my car is really bad and he says,
“Brother Zig, your car is beautiful!”
then I will ignore all his next words
because I know that he is just trying to “pickpocket” me.
Make sure that
what you say is accurate and comes from sincerity.
Yes, Chuck told the truth.
My car is really nice.
It was a glossy brown Oldsmobile Regency.
So when I heard him compliment my car,
I thanked and confirmed that I really like this car,
that it has brought me quite a lot of luck.
Chuck continued:
– Can you tell me where you bought it?
Life is a mirror of your consistent thoughts. — Napoleon Hill
Don’t labor forever over the question of how
or if you can do it.
Studies have shown
that the most successful people make decisions rapidly
because they are clear on their values
and what they really want for their lives. — Tony Robbins
You need to realize the importance of questions like these
because they sound so natural despite the fact
that Chuck has probably asked the same questions
to many different clients.
His questions are not “stereotypical” but carefully prepared.
I replied that my neighbor is a General Motors manager
and he helped me buy this car.
Chuck continued:
– So you happened to have one of these first-class cars?
– Yes, that’s right. Chuck asked again:
– The decision to buy this car was a wise one!
(I don’t know how you feel,
but if someone compliments me like that,
I will humbly admit that fact.)
I quietly replied:
– It might as well be!
I bought this car from an acquaintance
for only five thousand six hundred dollars.
A new car costs seven thousand six hundred dollars.
(Remember that was in 1975.)
– I said nothing wrong.
You didn’t buy it wrong!
It was true that I made the right decision
when I bought that car,
but Chuck’s words made me feel like I’d done something different.
Chuck continued:
– I’m glad to meet you.
Allow me to take the car to the valuation department to see
how much we can pay
for your beautiful car.
And I can confirm if the car is in good condition,
we can exchange it for you today
and you will be very satisfied.
Then he asked my permission to drive away.
customers are always happy
to provide all the information
they need if you know how to ask questions.
Please put yourself in the position
of both buyer and seller
About fifteen minutes later,
Chuck returned,
looking very happy.
An unpleasant thought flashed through my mind
and I tried to dispel it immediately.
My guess at the time was
that Chuck liked my old car
and he would most likely be the one to buy it back.
Since I was a shopper,
I thought “I’ll give him a really high price to see if he buys it?”.
The car stopped,
Chuck got out and shook his head slightly.
Then he opened and closed the car door again,
as if to verify it again.
Looks like he’s like a theater actor!
It is clear that he loves this amazing car
and is about to negotiate to own it.
Finally, Chuck repeated his earlier words:
– You know, this is the most amazing car
I’ve ever seen and it’s actually very good.
– Thank you very much.
– I’m glad to see you here but I still wonder
why you want to trade in such a beautiful car now?
Anyone directly involved in sales
will think this question doesn’t seem like a very good question.
Personally, I believe this is a positive sign of a confident
and competent sales professional
because if there are any obstacles,
it’s best to clear them up from the start
to part of the presentation and also helps
to avoid influencing the closing of the deal.
I looked at him, smiled and said:
– This is what happened.
In about three weeks we have a family meeting in Mississippi
and it would be great
if I drove a brand new Cadillac there.
Chuck knows that what I’ve just said is very true,
but he doesn’t say anything,
just pulls out a notebook
(remember, throughout this book,
I’ve always emphasized that you need
to have one at all times by notebook)
and start calculating.
Then he grinned,
which made me even more convinced
that I was about to get an extremely attractive offer.
But I was wrong.
That feeling did not last long
because after a moment of calculation,
his expression changed completely.
I thought to myself,
“What’s going on here?”.
And he continued to calculate and after a few minutes,
his previously happy mood turned
to pensive and now extremely tense.
I was thinking (saying, to be exact) to myself:
“I hope the opportunity
to own a nice Cadillac doesn’t slip away!”
Finally, Chuck’s expression returned
to his original cheerful mood.
Only then did Chuck turn to me
and say in a very excited voice:
– Mr. Zig! I have good news for you!
Since the car was in extremely good condition,
we decided to offer
to buy it back at the price of “Seven-three-eight-years”!
Every day television, newspapers,
and radio have many articles about the dizzying price
increase of cars along
with people constantly warning me
that car prices are currently very high,
but that is the case of the cars are far away.
Chuck Bellows was talking about the price of the car
I was going to buy
and how much I was going to pay.
These are two completely different things.
He didn’t say “Seven thousand three hundred and eighty-five dollars”
but “Seven-three-eight-years.”
Yes, that’s exactly what he said!
– You’re not kidding, are you?
I didn’t think the car cost that much!
Chuck looked surprised and repeated my words,
but in a different voice:
– Is the price that high?
Salespeople should not argue,
or try to compromise on pricing.
With his usual confidence,
he calmly reversed the situation.
While talking to Chuck,
I had to talk to myself many times.
I asked myself:
“What is he trying to ask me?”,
“Is he asking that the price is beyond my means?
Or is it a question to challenge yourself?
Or does he mean
that if I can’t buy a car for $7,385
then I should accept that fact?
Dear readers! If you know me a little bit,
you will understand
that even a thousand years from now
I will never admit that I cannot make this investment.
Could it be that his question meant something entirely different?
For example, “You !Zig,
as a prudent and wise trader,
do you feel that you should not spend $7,385 for this exchange?
I’m satisfied with this prediction
and reply to Chuck:
– Just more than I expected!
Chuck asked me in a very blunt voice:
“So would you be pleased
to exchange your wonderful four-year old Oldsmobile Regency for
that new and luxurious Cadillac Sedan deVille?”
Whatever you hold in your mind
on a consistent basis is exactly
what you will experience in your life. — Tony Robbins
Combine the dual qualities of empathy
and ambition in every sales relationship. — Brian Tracy
If you pay close attention,
you’ll notice that throughout the conversation,
Chuck Bellows never said a word that disparaged my car.
That’s how he applied Abraham Lincoln’s tactics to his business.
Lincoln once argued
for both the plaintiff
and the defendant in a case before a grand jury.
He was very careful
when making many arguments in favor of his client,
but when he was in the role of criticizing his opponent,
he was also fair.
You become what you think about most of the time. — Brian Tracy
It doesn’t matter what you achieve,
if you don’t keep growing you’ll feel dead.— Tony Robbins
Chuck’s tricks and psychotherapy are perfect.
Any criticism of the car was directed at me,
a customer he was trying to win over.
Anyway, I already bought the car and
when you criticize that you are criticizing the person
who bought it and underestimating his past decisions.
When parents criticize or speak badly
of their child’s boyfriend
or girlfriend i.e.
they are denigrating their children’s ability to judge.
And this is often the main cause of our children’s rebellion.
Such a comment cannot create sympathy
and have a good influence on the opposite person.
At the same time,
sellers also need
to be careful and skillful in their comments
when a customer say something bad
about his previous business.
(The tactic here is knowing
when to take an issue seriously or take it lightly.)
Customer statements like
“They must have taken advantage of me!”
or “They know I need the item” can be disastrous
for you if you agree with the customer.
For example, if you say,
“Obviously that salesman wasn’t being honest with you!”
or “I could see that you really wanted that item at the time…”
then comments like these will make your customers think,
“I know those people cheated on me so now
I will be more careful.”
It was you who warned customers
to beware of sellers!
So what should a salesperson say
when a customer makes a bad comment about their previous sale?
Try this: Look the client in the eye and calmly say,
“Sir, whenever I think back on what happened,
I still confidently say
that if I could do it all over again, sometimes it would.
We will change our own decisions.
However, by the time you make your decision,
in that situation and with the amount of information you have,
I’m sure most people will make the same decision as you.
If it were me,
I wouldn’t regret what I’ve done.”
The best way to get a client
to make a new decision and feel comfortable is
to make him happy with his previous decision.
Persistence is to the character
of man as carbon is to steel. — Napoleon Hill
Deal honestly and objectively with yourself;
intellectual honesty
and personal courage
are the hallmarks of great character. — Brian Tracy
The question is “Are you really honest with your customers?”
and “Have you ever bought something
and then wished you hadn’t bought it?”.
You decide to buy the item
because you think you made the right decision.
That’s what any shopper thinks
when he’s in front of a deal.
Chuck pleased me by praising my old Oldsmobile Regency.
Not only that,
but he also asked
if I was really happy to agree to change cars
and that’s how he found out
if I was a potential customer.
He knew well that if I offered an extra $500 for a new car,
I was clearly wasting my time
and he’d better end the conversation here.
You may find yourself in a similar situation
in the real estate business.
For example, with a home for sale at $395,000,
if a customer asks for a price of $195,000,
the broker quickly learns that the customer
is not a potential customer.
His offer of a very low price shows
that they belong in different playing fields.
You need to realize this as soon as possible
so that you can make a rational decision about
how to invest time in your work effectively.
This is exactly what Chuck did.
When Chuck offered the amount that needed to be compensated,
I couldn’t help but be surprised and said:
– Chuck, I think $7,000 is adequate for this swap,
[pause for a moment]
I is the number that includes taxes and other fees.
Chuck rolled his eyes at me.
– That can’t be done, Zig.
You just asked us to give you a discount of $385,
and have to support you with both taxes and fees,
which I figured out to be another $350,
so in total you’re asking us for a $735 discount!
The chances seem to be very low.
However, allow me to ask you one question:
“Suppose we accepted your offer,
would you drive this brand new Sedan deVille home right away?
I continued to have a dialogue with myself:
“This guy is talking seriously!
How can you buy an item
when the seller doesn’t want to sell it?”
Like so many other customers,
I made my offer and was frustrated
when he turned down my offer.
So I answered him:
– Oh, I don’t know,
but $7,000 is a lot of money
and it took me a lot of trouble to earn that much!
You are where you are
and what you are because of yourself,
nothing else.
Nature is neutral.
Nature doesn’t care.
If you do what other successful people do,
you will enjoy the same results
and rewards that they do.
And if you don’t, you won’t. — Brian Tracy
Goals are a means to an end,
not the ultimate purpose of our lives.
They are simply a tool to concentrate our focus
and move us in a direction.
The only reason we really pursue goals is
to cause ourselves to expand and grow. — Tony Robbins
We are always doubtful,
hesitant and a little afraid before important decisions.
In my case, who is quite conservative about money,
the figure of $7,000 is not small
and I asked myself again:
“Do I like this car color?
Are you sure you want to buy this Cadillac?
Should I buy it now or wait until a new model is available?
Is the Sedan deVille or the Fleetwood
or the Coupe deVille better?
Is there a dealer that sells the Cadillac for less?
Should I buy a new car or just rent a car?
If I keep procrastinating like this,
will Chuck make another hot offer? more lead?”.
In short, we will be very confused
and unanswered questions will affect our judgment,
leading to a “temporary abnormality”.
With the question
“If we accepted your offer,
would you drive this brand new Sedan deVille home right now?”,
Chuck seemed to want
to force me to make an affirmation.
What I want to mention
when you meet a customer who is still wondering:
“You have to build their trust
if you want them to agree to buy”.
It is your confidence
that will take on the hard work
(as Chuck Belllows did with me).
The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things
we desire not things we fear. — Brian Tracy
What if you, too,
were to greet every interaction in your life with the question
‘What’s the potential opportunity that this is? — Jack Canfield
During the sales process,
you should put yourself in the shoes of the buyer
to understand the customer’s thoughts and feelings.
However, I still want to remind you that
“Any strategy will have little
or no effect
if the customer does not trust you”.
When I started to feel uncomfortable
and wanted to back out of the deal,
what did Chuck do?
He wrote the numbers $7,000
and $7,385 on paper and said:
– I think we should not talk about the amount of 7,000 dollars
because it is almost impossible
for us to meet your offer.
With that, Chuck lowered his voice
and looked me straight in the eye
with a very slight smile on his lips:
– We always sell at the right price, Zig!
When I heard that statement from Chuck,
I did not feel offended
but on the contrary,
I was also very happy
because I received a very clear message
that he was in serious negotiations.
He used his notebook again
and continued:
– Based on the information you provided at the beginning,
we are actually only asking
for a sum of $2,600 out
of the total amount you paid
when you first bought the Oldsmobile.
He’s been using the car for over four years now,
which means it’s only “spending” $600 a year.
As he spoke,
he showed me the numbers written on the paper.
Then Chuck lowered his voice,
looked me straight in the eye,
and continued:
– You can’t even drive a Chevrolet for that cheap!
His words once again made me feel satisfied
about my previous decision to buy an Oldsmobile.
Move out of your comfort zone.
You can only grow if you are willing
to feel awkward and uncomfortable
when you try something new. — Brian Tracy
Decisions are the doorway to change. — Tony Robbins
I thought to myself, “Zig, my number is so red!
I get to drive such a wonderful Oldsmobile for only $600 a year
while others have to spend a lot of money to get a Chevrolet!”
Only then did I understand Chuck’s intentions. I say:
– I see what you mean,
but I can only pay $7,000.
This Chuck is clearly a professional theater actor,
I’m sure! At my words,
he didn’t laugh out loud, not even smile.
He just said:
– That’s beyond me
[he now begins to move to where I’m sitting,
putting his arm around my shoulder as he speaks],
but I’ll talk to the appraiser to see what can be done for me.
I do not.
Don’t worry,
I’ll do my best to get you the car for the price you’re offering,
because I’d really love
to see you drive a car out of our Rodger Meier store.
Chuck made me feel like a good judge at first.
And right now,
he’s making me feel important.
Be aware, however,
that if you can’t do it with confidence
and enthusiasm,
it’s best not to do it.
To be able to close the deal,
when talking about my car, my price,
Chuck pointed out that with the Oldsmobile,
it only cost me $600 a year.
He was trying to pull me out of the Olds
and “push” me behind the wheel of the Sedan deVille.
He “given” me the right to own that car.
Now let’s go back to the conversation
to see how he avoids possible misunderstandings.
Chuck says:
– Before I go to the appraiser,
I want to make sure we really understand each other.
Let me repeat,
you are offering us a car exchange
with your refund of $7,000 including taxes and all charges.
– Exactly!
About three minutes later, he came back and said:
“I’m sorry to tell you that the appraiser
just got home on urgent business
and won’t be back until tomorrow morning.”
What I care about is whether he can sleep soundly
without caring whether
he is the owner of this wonderful brand new Sedan deVille or not.
There are no limits on what you can achieve with your life,
except the limits you accept in your mind. — Brian Tracy
To achieve major success in life
to achieve those things that are most important to you
you must assume 100% responsibility for your life.
Nothing less will do. — Jack Canfield
– Don’t worry, I’ll try to forget about the car for the rest of the night.
– Right now, before you go,
I want to make sure that we fully understand each other.
[Watch how he ties a client to a deal.]
You know, in the auto business with unsigned deals,
we wouldn’t take that as a real offer.
But with many years of experience in the profession,
I always believe in my judgment about people.
I believe in your $7,000 offer
and consider it a formal deal.
Do you agree with me, Mr. Zig?
In your opinion,
how should I answer such a question?
What should I say? I certainly can’t say,
“No, Chuck, I was just joking!”
When someone puts you in such a situation,
what do you do?
For my part, I answered the following (modestly, of course):
– Right. You can believe that.
Chuck continued:
– I really believe you.
Let’s end today with a handshake
and I’ll call you tomorrow morning.
Wishing all the best to you.
At eight-thirty the next morning,
I was walking into my office
when the phone rang.
That’s Chuck.
His voice was filled with excitement.
– Hi Zig, I have great news for you!
I just spoke with the appraiser
and we agreed
to exchange the car for you for $7,200 inclusive.
At that moment,
I knew I was going to buy that car for $7,000.
The way you give your name
to others is a measure of how much you like
and respect yourself. — Brian Tracy
When you truly are on purpose,
the people,
and opportunities you need naturally gravitate toward you. — Jack Canfield
When a partner
or an individual accepts a compromise,
be it on price or terms,
the next compromise is about those issues.
– Chuck, I’m very impressed by your offer.
I’m not a “two-word” guy
and I think you want to help me too,
so I’ll do exactly what I told you yesterday.
– Do you mean you won’t change the $7,000 level anyway?
I don’t mean to make it difficult for you,
and I believe you are either.
– I’ll call you back in a few minutes.
When he called me back,
Chuck asked:
– Do you want me to bring the car to you
or will you drive it yourself?
– Can someone bring the car to me, please?
– I’ll see you in a few minutes.
We can draw two main takeaways from this story:
first, when I started to withdraw my offer of $7,000,
Chuck didn’t bother me at all.
He knew full well that if I did,
I would offer an even lower price.
And although I had only met Chuck once
before making the decision to buy a car,
he actually started selling to me twenty years ago
when he first started selling Cadillacs.
To do this, Chuck knows there are two things he needs to achieve.
First, he understood that he needed
to establish the trust of his customers
in order to be able to sell the car to more people.
After that, he also knew he had
to convince his clients to introduce him
to other customers.
His very commendable success is proved by the fact
that he is receiving more and more orders.
This makes a lot of sense
when you realize that we live in a dynamic society,
and most of our customers live in many different places.
My deal also started with one of Chuck’s long-term clients.
How it is done is also important.
First of all, Chuck built his career on honesty.
I had no intention of going to Chuck just to see a Cadillac
that I had seen at two other stores.
I went to Chuck with the intention of buying a car if the price was right.
I know I can trust Chuck,
and trust is the most important thing in a deal.
In addition,
Chuck is very professional in sales.
Ten days after I bought the car,
he called just to ask
if I liked the car and if he could help me,
and didn’t forget to ask:
“Oh, yes, do you know the friend?
Anyone want to learn about our new model?”.
The first time I went to the Rodger Meier store,
the first person I saw
before stopping the car was Chuck Bellows,
and at that time he also wanted
to know if he could help me.
But that’s not all.
Sometimes Chuck calls me just to say,
“Hi,… by the way, do you know anyone…?”.
Obviously, he always wanted his image
to stay forever in my mind.
So, even though it’s been a long time
since I changed that car,
I will always remember him.
Chuck Bellows is a professional salesman.
He has created the image of a friend and consultant
who always helps his customers choose the most suitable vehicle
and then makes them completely satisfied with your choice.
This is a smart sales method
and also a successful way to make every deal.
Remember, after every sale,
you not only gain one more customer,
but also one more friend.
Your biggest opportunity probably lies under your own feet,
in your current job,
experience or interests. — Brian Tracy