Secrets of closing the sale
Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours. ―Les Brown
My friend, Tom McDougal,
is one of the true sales professionals.
Tom is a good and successful dentist.
I’ve done a lot of talk about how to build success on
across the United States
before other fellow dentists.
When I arrived at Tom’s dental office for the first time,
a welcoming receptionist greeted me.
Another staff member gave me
the new patient declaration form
and enthusiastically guided me
through filling out my personal information.
As soon as I completed the form,
another staff member came to take me into the clinic.
From the moment I walked in until I left,
the staff showed enthusiasm
and professionalism in their work.
Dr. McDougal, of course,
only carries out the professional treatment steps afterward,
but his staff does an excellent job of each one.
Perhaps the thing that impressed me the most was
that all three employees
I came in contact with “sold” me a message that:
“flossing is the best way to protect teeth”.
Everyone smiled
and said that Dr. McDougal would definitely recommend flossing
to take care of the teeth I want to keep.
The key point here is
that the employees are proud of the work they are doing.
I left the clinic very satisfied,
believing that everyone there wanted me to have strong teeth.
It’s both a great way
to improve your skills,
build strong relationships,
and also a great way to sell.
Also during Dr. McDougal’s dental visit,
I noticed that he frequently used positive words.
Instead of saying “filling” he used the words “restoration”,
“change of plans” instead of “cancellation”
or “postponement”.
The employee invited me
to sit in the “reception room”
instead of sitting in the “waiting room”.
By the end of the session,
they wanted to know
how I would “deal with this service,”
not “pay this bill.”
They called my office to “check back”
or “confirm” the appointment,
not to “remind” me.
I was told to “clean the mouth” not “spit, spit”.
They “inject” me instead of “inject one”.
Indeed, words are important.
They make a difference!
As for how to build customer relationships,
I need to emphasize two points.
The first was that one of my temporary fillings fell off
two days after I was there.
I called Dr. McDougal’s office
and there was an automated answer on the phone.
Five minutes later,
my phone rang and ten minutes later
I was on my way to the clinic,
where one of Dr. McDougal’s colleagues quickly filled my teeth.
That is how to take care of patients (guests goods) of them.
Next, because Dr. McDougal is about
to fill up three more teeth,
my follow-up visit will be longer
and have more work to do.
That evening, he personally called me
and asked how things were going.
Do I feel comfortable?
Can you do anything for me?
I have been to many dentists,
but no one has called to ask
how I am and to know if I am in pain.
Honestly, at first I thought Tom called me because he knew
that I’m both a speaker and a writer,
so my health has a huge impact on my work.
While waiting,
I talked to other patients
and discovered by chance
that every time he treated any patient for a long time,
he would call them
to check on his condition.
He is indeed a caring dentist,
and more than that,
he is also a true sales professional
by his dedicated care and concern for his clients.
Dr. Hugh Russel of Atlanta,
Georgia, points out that the patients (customers)
who visit your office (well, if you’re a doctor) aren’t just
because they understand the topic that your suggestions,
but also because they sense that you understand them.
In the case of Dr. McDougal,
I went to his office
because I knew he was a good dentist
and because he understood me
and my needs when I got there.
The professionalism of the staff at the clinic (sales staff)
is reflected in the thoughtful care
when taking care of their patients.
McDougal commented as follows:
The real secret of “selling” in dentistry
or in any business is
to speak with your heart
instead of your head and head.
Once the “inner” speaks,
the deepest sincerity will be conveyed.
However, a person cannot speak with his heart
if he does not really believe in his product or service.
This also means that the person must have put in a lot of effort
to gather a wealth of knowledge.
He or she must also believe that the goods/services
they provide are exactly
what the customer/patient is expecting.
In general, Dr. McDougal is not a salesperson
or a sales training expert,
but as a salesperson,
there are very few chances
that you will ever read a passage of text.
which mentions as much about sales as the passage above.
Ten years from now you’ll laugh at whatever’s stressing you out today.
So why not laugh now? — Tony Robbins
“Sales without customer service is
like stuffing money into a pocket full of holes.” – David Tooman
During a visit to Tom’s service station,
a person I knew quite well after a few times stopping
to fill up at his station, we talked about the car.
sales strategy and Tom shared a great process
he is applying to his business.
When a car was parked at the service station,
Tom and his staff checked the oil,
When the fan belt was frayed
and in danger of breaking,
Tom said to the car owner:
– Sir, the belt is frayed.
If you will please remove the spare wire from the trunk,
I will change it immediately
and not delay you a minute.
Most of the time,
car owners will respond like this:
– There are no belts in my trunk!
Tom calmly replied:
– Look, this belt is worn out.
I advise you to change the wire
because it can break at any time
and your car can be left in the middle of the road
in an empty field somewhere.
The owner, if aware of the possibility of such a situation,
will agree to replace the cord with a new one.
I guess you think the story is over, right?
When Tom came out of the service station,
he brought not one, but two belts.
Not only did he sell one wire,
but in many cases he sold a second as well.
This is a typical example of a professional salesperson.
In your opinion,
is it serving by selling or selling by serving?
Think twice before you speak,
because your words
and influence will plant the seed of either success
or failure in the mind of another. — Napoleon Hill
“When you serve the customer better,
they always return on your investment.” – Kara Parlin
Everyone is selling.
I would like to title this chapter as well to echo what Red Motley,
former editor of Parade magazine said many years ago:
“Nothing will happen,
until someone is there,
agree to sell something.”
I will never forget a day in the summer of 1943
when I entered an American History class led
by Mr. Joby Harris at Hinds Community College,
Mississippi. I was forced to attend
because I needed to finish this course
in order to receive my high school diploma.
I think it’s just a waste of time.
What good is it to me
to know about what happened fifty years ago,
one hundred or two hundred years ago?
I entered history class thinking
that I would study just enough
to pass the final exam.
What I’m really excited about is that then,
I can put this boring course aside
and study more math
and science next fall to meet the Air Force’s recruiting criteria.
United States Navy (Naval Air Corps).
For many years,
my dream was to fly a fighter plane.
In the summer of 1943,
when the whole world was in the midst of World War II,
I also wanted to do my part.
At the age of seventeen,
I realized the desire of my life.
That day, when I entered the classroom,
I waited for the teacher to introduce himself,
give some notes while studying
and get to know each other
and I was not disappointed.
After introducing himself
and giving us a few basics,
Mr. Harris started talking about the importance of teaching
and learning history.
He gave one of the most professional “sales” presentations
I have ever heard.
When Mr. Harris’s “sales talk” was over,
I understood why I needed to study history.
In fact, before the first class ended,
I decided to become a history major.
Not only did I get an A in class,
but History was the only subject
I consistently got an A in
for most of the rest of my academic career.
What’s even more remarkable is that
what Mr. Harris told me that day impacted the rest of my life.
It was the first hour of Mr. Joby Harris’s history class
that made me more interested in politics,
social conditions
and the desire to do my best for the country
to become more prosperous and better.
It would be great if we made each person think
that they are really a sales person,
that they need to “sell” to younger people concepts,
ideas about trying their best,
expressing reach your full potential,
aim higher and give more?
With this approach,
I believe today’s young generation will become more active,
creative and effective in the future world.
Winners take imperfect action
while losers are still perfecting the plan. — Tony Robbins
“To earn the respect (and eventually love) of your customers,
you first have to respect those customers.
That is why Golden Rule behavior is embraced
by most of the winning companies.” – Colleen Barrett
In 1981, we started working on something
that had been planned for many years.
We bought a piece of land on Holly Lake,
a two-hour drive east of Dallas, Texas.
My long-standing wish is to be able
to cut back on presentations
to focus on writing more.
My personal goal is to positively influence
as many people as possible
and I can only do this through my books.
We found Holly Lake to be an ideal location
because it was quiet and very beautiful.
After buying the land,
we had to choose a construction contractor
to build the house.
And the only person we talked to was Bill Tenison.
From the very beginning,
Bill’s words and actions showed
how much he wanted to build a home for us.
Bill has many remarkable points:
pleasant attitude,
professionalism and reputation.
When we bought the land,
we also met neighbors
who were also in the process of finishing their houses.
They say there’s only one builder here that can be trusted,
and that’s Bill.
They enthusiastically told us
that Bill did an excellent job,
and was also a man of integrity,
and many other good qualities.
A few years ago,
we also talked to the people Bill helped build the house.
They also said the same thing,
Bill’s excitement can be felt as he takes us on a tour
of the houses under construction
and also the houses he built a few years ago.
Everyone has the feeling
that Bill Tenison builds houses
so that he has more friends
and nice neighbors.
Since Bill is building his own house here
and he is sure to go fishing
and golfing with most of his neighbors,
his approach is entirely satisfactory.
(Can you imagine a man trying
to play golf with fifty customers angry at him?)
Honestly, Bill gave us more than we expected.
I know very little
or nothing about the construction industry,
but one person after another with knowledge
of the construction industry has assured me
that Bill has always used much better insulation
than requirements of the engineering drawings,
and that he often reinforces the house he makes.
When we first started building the house,
because we couldn’t be present
to watch each stage of the construction process,
Bill voluntarily took pictures and sent them to us.
Not only does this allow us
to track construction progress,
but it also gives us a sense of satisfaction with our costs.
The problem here is very clear.
Bill knew that when his men drove the final nail into our house,
he was also about to hammer the first nail into the other homes
those pleased guests were about
to introduce to him.
As a professional,
Bill is wise enough
to know that when he gets the job done,
does more than he’s paid for,
and makes a client like me completely…
If I’m satisfied, I will sooner
or later tell anyone looking to build a home in the Holly Lake area
that Bill is just what they’re looking for.
Dear reader, that’s exactly
what you need to do if you want
to build a successful sales career.
Since you can’t leave a beautiful house empty,
this story will continue for one more paragraph,
and at least it has some relevance to a tactic
that sales training expert J. Douglas once called ,
that’s the “puppy” Tactic.
Move fast.
A sense of urgency is the one thing you can develop
that will separate you from everyone else.
When you get a good idea,
do it now. — Brian Tracy
“To listen closely and reply well is the highest perfection
we are able to attain in the art of conversation.” – Francois de
This tactic has its roots.
We know that children often beg their parents to stop
by a pet store “just to have a look”.
Then, if the kid and the shop owner can’t convince the mom
or dad to buy the cute dog,
the owner will let them take the puppy home
and try it out for a few days to see if they like it.
Come here, you know the end of the story, right?
The most important thing is
that the pet store owner made it possible
for his product (the puppy) to sell itself.
That’s a very good tactic.
Success is good at any age,
but the sooner you find it,
the longer you will enjoy it. — Napoleon Hill
“Unless you have 100% customer satisfaction,
you must improve.” – Horst Schulz
When Bill Tenison completed our home on Holly Lake,
interior designer Joyce Wynn and her beautiful staff
(especially Kathy Adcock-Smith,
who did an excellent job) were exactly
what we needed) worked very carefully with us
to make sure the house was decorated properly
and to our liking.
Just decorate a large gap on the wall in the hall
and the house can be completed.
I myself am very satisfied with the current design,
but Joyce put a wall rug in that space,
indeed it is not a purchased item.
I really like it,
but I’m still a bit hesitant in my decision.
So Joyce suddenly suggested
that we temporarily hang it to see if it “fits”.
That suggestion is good too!
It wasn’t until one afternoon,
while I was jogging,
that I suddenly realized
that she was using the classic “puppy” tactic on me.
A good tactic is often very effective,
even if the person you employ is well trained in sales skills.
(And, yes, I bought that wall rug.)
Of course, if they show effective,
the customer is still not aware of what is going on.
Even if he does recognize
and if the need
and desire to own them is still there,
and the salesman also shows professionalism,
you do not need to do anything.
Always remember
that customers always want their problems solved.
The ability of a true professional sometimes makes you forget he
or she is a professional
About a year after we moved into our house on Holly Lake,
my wife and I visited Kathy Adcock-Smith.
My wife shared with her that there are many people
who love the coziness in our house.
She added that a few people expressed surprise
that an interior designer helped us,
as the house looked so “natural” and lively,
while most of the people
who did The interior design profession tends
to make the house look very artificial
and full of unnecessary things.
These comments clearly cheered Kathy up,
as she knew she’d done her job well.
She sold us furniture,
accessories and novelty ideas
that perfectly matched our taste and preferences.
And not only that,
her expertise has brought us
a wonderful living space.
The conversation reminded me of an experience
I recently had while selling.
After I finished selling a set of pots and pans,
I noticed that there were many potential customers
who were friends of this new customer.
When I reach out to these potential customers,
I assure them that I will only say very briefly,
if their friends choose to buy it,
it will be great;
and if not, that’s okay.
In response to my offer, a housewife said,
“Yes, I believe you
because you obviously don’t look like a salesman!”.
Since she had just tested the largest set of cooking pots my company produced,
I was excited by that comment.
In the heart of this customer,
she is not a buyer
and I am not a salesperson.
Any salesperson expects this to be felt
by his prospect by the end of his presentation.
The “Puppy” tactic is effective
with million dollars worth of deals
A few years ago,
when the Amway Corporation was relatively small compared to today,
an aircraft salesman contacted Rich DeVos,
Chairman of the Corporation,
with the intention of asking him
to buy a jet aircraft with personal force.
Rich was quite conservative and thought
that Amway Corporation could not make such a deal.
The salesman knew very well
that the plane would save Rich’s time as well as his health.
He also knew that the plane would allow Rich
to meet with more distributors
and greatly increase his efficiency.
Here’s how the seller used it:
– Mr. DeVos, we have a particularly ideal jet for you,
and we would be happy to give you a free test flight.
Somewhat reluctantly
but quite eagerly,
Rich agreed to join the test flight.
Knowing that DeVos liked the trip,
there was still no way to convince him
to buy the plane,
so the salesman said:
– Mr. DeVos, we have no plans
for this aircraft this week
and we want you to receive
and use it as if it were your own.
And of course this is not mandatory.
It was difficult to turn down
such an offer as the salesman insisted
that there were no strings attached to Amway.
Fortunately, Rich’s upcoming work week is packed with appointments
and long-distance travel.
And, all that week Rich flew across the country,
getting his job done quickly and efficiently on that plane.
At the end of the week,
when the salesman came back
and tried to close the deal,
Rich still wasn’t convinced
that buying the plane was the right thing to do,
so the salesman extended the “puppy” offer
with one small case as follows:
– Mr. DeVos, since we don’t have a specific plan
to use the plane this month,
why don’t you rent it for a month
and continue using it as if it were your own?
This time, Rich hesitated even more,
but the salesman was so persistent that Rich agreed
and that month,
his work proved very effective.
At the end of the month,
Rich was “sticky” to the plane,
so when the salesman returned to claim “his” plane,
Rich DeVos looked at him in surprise and asked:
– What do you mean, asah’s jet?
By this time Rich is used to speed and convenience,
and giving up any convenience is very difficult,
especially when you can make excuses for any situation.
Essentially, Rich could see no reason
to turn down an invitation
to make an investment
that would certainly allow him
to serve his corporation more effectively.
So Rich decided to buy the plane
because the salesman had proven his product worth.
More precisely,
the salesman let his product prove itself
that it would help Rich fulfill his corporate responsibilities more effectively
after the salesman used the “Puppy” Tactic.
Your life only gets better when you get better,
and you can improve yourself without limit.
Learn something new every day. — Brian Tracy
“Set excellent performance as your standard
and strive to achieve it each day.”— Brian Tracy
Frank Infante was born and raised in Cuba,
but later moved with his family
to the United States.
I first met Frank
when I and Redhead is having dinner at the Farfallo restaurant in Dallas.
Lucky, Frank was our waiter.
You are the best waiter I have ever met.
He is professional in every step,
gesture and mastery down
to the smallest detail of a professional waiter.
The use of words along with a polite
and attractive service style are essential elements for each restaurant
to be able to provide customers
with the most perfect service.
He is extremely sensitive to customers
and does not neglect service.
Every time he serves us,
Frank usually starts with a very welcoming and friendly smile.
After taking the time to let us go through the menu,
Frank always came to our table just in time
for us to make food decisions.
Usually, I always have a short chat with Frank.
When I asked about the restaurant’s specialties,
Frank was always excited to introduce them,
but he never went into too much detail about them.
He rarely answered
when we asked him for advice on dishes.
Because he understands our tastes,
he always responds:
“I believe you will like this special dish.
It’s amazing!”.
If I can’t – then I must.
If I must – then I will. — Tony Robbins
“The two most powerful things in existence:
a kind word and a thoughtful gesture.” – Kenneth Langone
Frank always served quickly
and exactly what we ordered.
Everything is always carefully prepared
to give us a comfortable dinner.
Tea and coffee are always ready:
hot bread is always on the table;
We never had to wait more than a minute for the next dish.
When we finished eating,
Frank always asked us if we wanted dessert,
even though he knew well that we usually said no.
At those times,
with a big smile and sparkling eyes,
he would tell us that the cheesecake was delicious
or the coffee cake was also great,
and if we split the cake in half For two people,
it won’t feel too full.
His persuasion was deft,
and that “service-oriented” approach worked.
One contributing factor
to the effectiveness of this method is
that Frank is actually a “player who plays hard on a big team”
as he works very well with the “auxiliary waiter”
(this is a very real term).
bad news and the restaurant industry needs
to change its name to attract talent in this industry).
When he needed help,
instead of giving orders,
Frank showed great respect
and courtesy to him.
From welcoming guests into the restaurant
to saying goodbye to them,
Frank Infanate always puts himself in the position of a salesman.
He does it professionally,
cheerfully but without being overly enthusiastic.
He clearly understands that his income is directly related
to his own efficiency
and service style.
However, if you observe Frank’s working style,
you will feel his motivation to work.
Frank’s aim is to make every meal great.
Needless to say,
we never gave Frank the usual “tips”.
You know, the word TIPS also means
“to ensure prompt service” (To Insure Prompt Service)
and used to be given before a meal.
Redhead and I have always been inclined
to reward the person who provided us with a delicious,
pleasant and enjoyable meal.
What a pity for the flight attendants
who didn’t have the good fortune
to be served by Frank even once.
I believe if they have that luck
and if they really want to be a professional waiter many of them
can increase their income from 50% to 150% instantly.
If that happens,
what will you do with this extra income?
Perhaps many of us will use it for personal purposes,
but Frank is different.
He invested in the restaurant
and is satisfied with his decision.
One of life’s mysteries is why waitresses
(or salespeople) don’t understand that after all,
what they’re selling is their attitude
and service by themselves.
If they show small details such as polite,
enthusiastic attitude and always help others,
their income will increase very quickly.
Indeed, an excellent waiter is an excellent salesman.
You have a brain and mind of your own.
Use it, and reach your own decisions. — Napoleon Hill
“How you think about your customer influences
how you respond to them.” – Marilyn Suttle
One of America’s greatest salespeople is Billie Engman.
She is in charge of sales for Saladmaster in the Texas market,
excluding Dallas.
At the time of Billie’s death,
she had set and held more sales records
than any other employee in the company.
Even towards the end of her sales career she continued to sell
to the children of the clients she had dealt with since 1950,
when she first entered the company.
Billie belongs to the type of person
who has a very clear and standard philosophy
and outlook on life.
Her outstanding quality is her ability
to organize her work very well,
to be persistent and consistent in what she does.
From the very beginning of her career in sales,
she was determined to always pursue her purpose until the end.
Billie is also an expert in customer psychology
because she is very knowledgeable about human nature.
She understands very well
that if we take the time to learn,
how much influence we can have on others.
Although very successful, she remained humble
and attributed her job to sales
that gave her the privilege
and opportunity to work.
That modesty is reflected in the fact that
for many years she did not announce her “record” sales.
She doesn’t like all the attention and just wants
to serve her customers in the best way.
That’s why she only received a few awards,
which many times consider it
to be a collective effort.
Even so, Billie seemed very pleased with it.
According to Hal,
her husband and co-worker,
Billie sold so much more than any other salesperson in the company
that her rival was herself
and the records she set.
This is like a professional golfer,
their real opponent is themselves.
She always fulfills her goal to improve sales,
so the next year’s sales are always higher than the previous year.
There were periods
when the economy fell into recession,
when she was even more active.
She penetrated the market more
and worked harder
to continue to increase sales
instead of accepting a decline
because of objective conditions.
That’s a great work ethic.
As an intelligent woman,
she often applies psychotherapy
to reduce stress
or emotions feeling “isolated” for customers.
When she was about to close a deal,
if she observed that customers were still worried
or afraid of something,
she would offer them a glass of water,
which, she explained,
a brief relaxation time would help
and make them less stressed.
Billie never used the phone
to make appointments with clients.
She believes that using the phone
to transact can miss out on potential customers and argues
that phones put many salespeople out of work,
especially in the form of direct selling.
She regularly visits important clients.
On such occasions,
she did not inform customers in advance
and did not give them any chance
to think about the reasons for not buying.
Direct selling means doing business
in the form of face-to-face meetings and exchanges,
not through words on the phone.
She segmented her clients into groups,
and at the start of her workday,
she always aimed for the sole purpose of finding
as many clients as possible.
(Like all professional salespeople,
she is a person of action and of goals.)
She brings samples to each house,
if the customer is at home,
she is already in a prepared position.
After the introduction,
she took a few minutes
to go to the car to collect samples,
which gave customers the opportunity
to consider their purchase decision.
Billie never gets too excited
and when dealing with her,
every customer feels secure.
It’s not about your resources,
it’s about your resourcefulness . — Tony Robbins
“It is not your customer’s job to remember you,
it is your obligation and responsibility to make sure
they don’t have the chance to forget you.” – Patricia Fripp
Billie often chooses to recommend products
to different customers even though the information is the same
because she finds that a single girl
with no intention of getting married has different preferences
than a girl with intention to get married
and this girl also has different preferences from couples.
She often uses a tactic
that she calls a “mirror of the future”
to guide customers on how to use
and enjoy the convenience of the product.
She proudly tells her clients that the ceramics,
especially the silver alloys she sold to customers 30 years ago,
are worth far more
than they would buy it today.
And she advises customers to invest now,
they will certainly have “profits”.
Billie is a person who is always up
to date with the latest information
and knows how to apply it to each specific situation.
She ties customer needs
to each story and uses
that information as a tool to help her sell more effectively.
She sells with all affection,
care and sharing.
When introducing products,
she often uses words that show warmth and sincerity.
When life gives you lemons,
make lemonade
and sell it to all of those
who get thirsty from complaining. — Napoleon Hill
“The most important adage and the only adage is,
the customer comes first,
whatever the business,
the customer comes first.” – Kerry Stokes
Billie believes that how successful you are in “opening”
and “closing” a deal (“open” is Billie’s term)
depends on your outfit and style of behavior.
(how you smile, talk,
walk or even the type of car you use).
She is also not too flashy because she thinks
that customers might think of her as a showy person.
She never told clients how long she’d been in sales,
believing this would promote her
as someone “trying to sell someone something”.
She wants people to see her as a friend
and advisor
to help them choose the best investment for their future.
She found that using a shopping catalog is very effective
because people can see and recognize them
realize that they can buy quality goods
without having to go to the stores.
In addition,
she attaches great importance
to direct product demonstrations
to demonstrate the product’s functionality
so that customers can see,
and test an item before they decide to buy it.
Billie collects “certificates of quality”
and constantly updates them as customers come in.
She often brings up “successful past deals”
to reassure clients of her decision
and also to demonstrate that she is presenting them
with a sound and long-term investment.
(Credibility is essential to a successful closing of a deal.)
Get closer than ever to your customers.
So close that you tell them what they need well
before they realize it themselves.” – Aysa Angel
“Men are rich only as they give.
He who gives great service gets great rewards.” – Elbert Hubbard
There are many reasons for Billie Engman’s overwhelming success.
In my opinion,
there are three reasons that seem inseparable from her persona.
First, Billie really wanted to sell
to everyone she visited.
Not only does she want to sell them,
but she also wants to receive a larger order in the second time.
Second, Billie believes
that getting more orders depends on the results
of the product demonstrations,
so she considers “closing the deal” an integral part of the product launch.
She always creates shopping opportunities
for the customers she visits by inviting them to order.
If that’s the case,
let me remind you that a sales guru,
Chris Hegarty, pointed out that 63% of sales interviews complete well
with no offer to buy of seller’s goods.
Third, Billie keeps a record of all her clients’ names.
She knows exactly what they bought,
when, and at what price.
In her first dealings with a client,
she always anticipates the customer’s reaction
before approaching them.
Another important thing is
that she is always prepared for the next deal.
She understands that the first order
will create confidence in the buyer
and from there she will have more opportunitie
to deal with them in the second
and many other deals after that.
“Spend a lot of time talking to customers face to face.
You’d be amazed how many companies don’t listen to their customers.” – Ross Perot
“The more you engage with customers,
the clearer things become
and the easier it is to determine what you should be doing.” – John Russell
Billie’s call back to the customer has another meaning.
Before calling the customer back to complete the order,
she carefully examines the original (original) order.
Then she prepared three other backup offers.
The first proposal falls under the category of “impossible”
because it is too big,
too comprehensive,
and too expensive.
Therefore, it is very likely that customers will not buy.
As a professional salesman,
Billie often challenges her customers,
giving them the opportunity to try their best to achieve
that “unrealizable” dream in the future.
One fact is:
The purchase customer’s order is closely related to the seller’s desire,
and Billie’s desire is always great.
The second offer
that Billie prepared was a bulk order to supplement the original order.
The average salesman would be thrilled
to offer such a quantity,
but for Billie, there was no set amount.
This can be considered as the most chosen side order
because its value is suitable for their pocket.
The third offer is of course
for an order of less quantity than the previous two offers.
Many customers will choose this third offer
because it suits them best,
and even then place a fourth order.
The most important thing is
that Billie always considers these as official deals
and serves them wholeheartedly.
This was an opportunity
for her to once again introduce herself,
the company she represents,
the products she sells,
and her vision of investing for the future to clients.
She came up with the idea of “act today”.
She facilitates the customer to review the original order.
She would then either commend the customer
for their interest in the merchandise,
or would politely ask if she could do something better for them.
“If you work just for money,
you’ll never make it,
but if you love what you’re doing
and you always put the customer first,
success will be yours.” – Ray Kroc
“The best way to find yourself is
to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi
I often wonder why so many salespeople working in stores
barely actively develop relationships
with their loyal customers.
For example, in our more than 46 years of living together,
Redhead and I have never seen anyone persistently ask us
to buy houses,
jewelry, furniture, or home appliances.
Doyle Hoyer, who sold my clothes,
and Chuck Bellows, my car dealer,
were among the few people who ever provided services
and deliberately “solicited” us for follow-up deals.
During the time we got to know each other,
we bought four houses,
more than thirty-five cars including company vehicles
and four sets of furniture
and other household appliances.
We also spend thousands of dollars on jewelry purchases,
but no one has ever come to “need” us to buy these items.
Even the sales staff did not invite us back to their goods!
If you’re in sales, of any of the above,
are you actively looking for the next sale
or are you just waiting for them to find you?
After completing the first sale,
did you find out if your customer was really satisfied
and did you have a plan in place to make the next sale?
In sales, the salesman must also provide after-sales service
and regularly contact the customer to maintain contact
if he wants to retain customers
and wants to build a successful sales career for yourself.
“What, what do you mean?”
One of the deep secrets of life
is that all that is really worth doing
is what we do for others.” – Lewis Carroll
Your mental attitude is something you can control outright
and you must use self-discipline
until you create a Positive Mental Attitude
your mental attitude attracts
to you everything that makes you what you are. — Napoleon Hill
I. Help you understand the importance of developing your imagination
to increase the number of successful deals.
II. Introducing 24 typical successful closing tactics.
III. Helps you understand the value of using words
when visualizing customer satisfaction.
Success leaves clues,
but they must be acted upon. — Tony Robbins
High self-esteem isn’t a luxury.
It’s a necessity for anyone
who has important goals to achieve. — Jack Canfield
Back to the “1902” tactic “the miserly gentleman” tactic “chart”
“20/20” Tactic
“Act now” strategy
Tactic “follow no tactics at all”
Tactic “marriage certificate”
Tactic to use “creativity”
Tactic “click” “Special Occasion” Tactics
Tactic “circle business card”
Tactic to hit the “challenge”
“29 days” tactic “frontline”
tactic “seize the opportunity”
tactic “companion”
The “gentlemen” tactic “coca
and tobacco” tactic
Tactics to eliminate “rigid thinking”
Tactics to “take advantage of time”
The “questioning” tactic
Tactics using “pictures of words”
Tactics using “preparation”
Tactics to hit “fear” Tactics “after-sales”
“Repetition” Tactic “Menu” Tactic “Ooo and Aaa”
Character is the ability
to follow through on a resolution long after the emotion
with which it was made has passed. — Brian Tracy
Everybody’s life is either a warning or an example.
You’ve got to decide what you’re gonna be
and you have to draw a line in the sand. — Tony Robbins
In the words of my friend,
and sales training expert,
Merle Fraser:
within 24 hours,
the client’s heart beats about 103,689 beats.
The blood in his body can move 168,000 miles;
lungs inhale 23,240 times;
he consumes all the energy provided by 1.36 kg of food;
and actually only uses 7 million of his 9 billion brain cells.
During that time,
he will utter about 4,800 words,
of which 3,200 are related to himself and none of
which are related to you
or the product or service you provide;
unless you find a way
to get him interested in your introduction.
The only way to get his attention is
to use your imagination to place yourself in his world.
One of the most interesting things I can share with you about sales is
that most customers really don’t want to say “no” to a salesperson.
The reason is because the word “no” is so definitive,
it feels like this is the end of a relationship.
So, instead of saying “no”,
many clients say things like “I want to think about it more”
or “I have to talk to my lawyer, my wife (husband) …”.
You may be surprised,
but I have seen a few cases
where customers even lied to the salesperson
to avoid having to say “no”.
If you want to be really successful,
and I know you do,
then you will have to give up blaming
and complaining
and take total responsibility for your life
that means all your results,
both your successes
and your failures.
That is the prerequisite for creating a life of success. — Jack Canfield
The Law of Concentration states
that whatever you dwell upon, grows.
The more you think about something,
the more it becomes part of your reality. — Brian Tracy
While considering the role of imagination in sales,
I would like to return to the “1902” Tactic presented in the first chapter.
Years ago, when I was still selling pots and pans,
I changed this tactic slightly to better suit my business.
At that time,
I sold stainless steel pots and pans,
whose bottoms were characterized
by even heat distribution and good heat transfer.
We were informed that these pots
and pans are made of super durable materials.
And to prove it,
I convinced a local policeman
to shoot his 45mm pistol straight
at a small frying pan from a distance of 3.5 meters.
The power of the gun is truly terrifying,
but you definitely have to look very closely
to see the bullet holes in the pan.
Along with that very realistic image
and the “testimony letter” of the policeman,
I easily attracted the attention of customers
when talking about the durability of the pots and pans.
When I told them: ”
This is a set of pots
and pans you can use for the rest of your life”,
they completely agree
because no housewife can use pots
and pans with “destructive” power like a bullet.
I know what you’re thinking
and as you might suspect,
my pots and pans are much more expensive
than other pots and pans on the market.
And of course,
there are many customers complaining about the price of our cookware set.
– That price is too expensive!
– How much more expensive is too expensive, sir/madam?
– It’s up to $200 more expensive.
(For me, that’s also a huge number,
but you should remember that we are dealing with
the customer’s feeling problem).
Once again, I would like to remind you
that this is the time
when you should use your notebook.
When the customer says,
“Up to $200 more,”
I write the $200 figure in the notebook
so the customer can see it,
and the conversation goes on like this:
– Sir, how long do you think you will use this set of pots and pans?
– I think it will be forever.
– I guess you will use it for 10, 15, 20, even 30 years.
– Of course.
– Then let’s just take the minimum number of 10 years.
Thus, if you use this set of pots and pans,
each year you will have
to spend another 20 dollars compared
to normal pots and pans.
Is that what you want to say?
– Yes, that’s what I mean.
Life is like a combination lock;
your job is to find the right numbers,
in the right order,
so you can have everything you want. — Brian Tracy
You can’t change where you started,
but you can change the direction you are going.
It’s not what you are going to do,
but it’s what you are doing now that counts. — Napoleon Hill
– So how much more money do you have to spend each month?
– Well, about $1.67/month.
– Exactly. May I ask how many times a day do you cook?
– About 2 to 3 times a day.
– Let’s just choose a moderate level of 2 times / day.
That means in a month you will cook 60 meals
[remember, I still write all those numbers in my notebook].
So, if you have to spend an extra $1.67 a month on this set of pots and pans,
that’s less than 3 cents per meal,
then you’ve got the best set of pots
and pans on the market of school already.
Your brain is not designed to make you happy.
That’s your job! — Tony Robbins
Your income right now is a result of your standards,
it is not the industry,
it is not the economy. — Tony Robbins
I continued to ask both the couple:
– Do you go to a restaurant?
– Sure!
– Do you go often?
About 1 to 2 times a week.
– Are you sure you will give the waiter a little “tip”?
– Of course!
– How much do you usually give them?
– 1 or 2 dollars something.
This also depends. (You should remember that was 1962.)
I immediately wrote “3 cents” for “Wife”
and “1 dollar” for “Servant.”
– Let me tell you this.
The other waiter only wrote down the dishes the grandparents ordered,
brought the food from the kitchen to the table,
and brought some other things such as tea,
Usually another person helps him/her clear the table
and bring all the dishes
and dishes to the kitchen.
Meanwhile, his wife had to personally go to the store,
buy food to take home,
prepare and cook all the dishes,
and then serve them
to the table.
After the meal,
she puts the leftovers back in the fridge
cleans the table,
and washes the dishes.
To be fair, if he “tied” the waiter $1
[I circled the number “1 dollar” a few times] just for him/her
to bring the food from the kitchen to the table,
then he Do you really think that your wife is only worth 3 cents
[I circled the words “Your wife”
and “3 cents” several times] for shopping,
cooking, setting the table,
putting away leftovers,
and cleaning up everything else or not?
All three elements of imagination, emotion
and logic are used in this case.
The twelve questions
I use in this conversation get clients to put pressure on themselves.
Then, the chances of them making a purchase decision will increase significantly.
In the example above,
those questions certainly helped the husband appreciate his wife’s efforts
and most importantly,
they help to break down the selling price into smaller amounts,
giving the customer the feeling of “can pay”.
The “1902” tactic is simply breaking down the selling price of a product
into numbers so low that customers can accept it.
Having to spend an extra 3 cents per use will definitely make customers feel
that buying a set of pots
and pans is completely within their capabilities,
especially when you prove that customers can even save money.
Save more than that after each use.
This tactic will make it easier
for customers to buy the product,
and that’s what a professional salesperson does.
You don’t have to get it perfect,
you just have to get it going.
Babies don’t walk the first time they try,
but eventually they get it right. — Jack Canfield
Your destiny is determined by your decisions. — Tony Robbins
The next tactic I want to introduce
to you is actually a very useful one,
no matter what kind of commodity you are offering.
However, I would like to emphasize
that any of the strategies described in this book may not work for everyone
and that in most cases you will have to apply
what I have presented,
to each specific case.
That’s why you need a notebook like
I mentioned at the beginning of the book.
Again, I want to reiterate that this is a book
that puts you to work and teaches you
how to sell more effectively
and inspires you.
So apply it now to soon achieve success in sales career.
Years ago, I worked for a small St. Matthews, South Carolina.
I’ve always believed in “regional” sales,
so out of habit I often visited small areas,
and thus quickly became known to the locals.
Not only did that save me time
and travel expenses,
but it also established credibility.
In St. Matthews and many other places,
after going there a few times,
people used to call me “Mr. (Actually, I don’t either.)
I really like the name,
but at least thanks to it people know that I sell pots
and pans and nothing else).
Every time he saw me driving on the road,
someone would say,
“Here comes the pot man!”
or “Oh, I’m definitely going to see his party
(meaning my product show) next week!”.
Nothing which life has to offer is worth the price of worry. — Napoleon Hill
Imagine your ideal future.
Visualize yourself
as if your life were perfect in every respect. — Brian Tracy
After a product demonstration with seven couples,
the very next day,
I went to each family’s private home to “take care of customers”.
I sold the first five pairs,
and as I was knocking on the door of the sixth house,
I heard a very loud voice say:
– Is that Mr. Ziglar? Please come in!
I entered the house and saw a giant!
He is about 1.9 meters tall
and weighs nearly 130 kg.
Perhaps he was once a Jolly Green Giant. He says:
– Nice to meet you, Zig!
You and I both know
that I would never buy a $400 set of pots and pans,
but just come in,
sit down and we’ll talk!
You know,
this funny guy set a record
(and I don’t think anyone can beat that record)
of eating five times
as much food as the average person the night before.
Yes, I myself went to the market,
cooked and served him one by one.
But now he greeted me
with the sentence “I will not buy anything!”.
It wasn’t the ideal start to an exchange,
but I smiled anyway,
looked at him, and said:
– Yes, sir, you think you won’t buy anything,
but I don’t think so.
– Well, then I’ll tell you right now,
I’m happy to talk to you,
but I’m not buying anything.
– Looks like you and I have quite a lot in common!
– Oh, really, how similar?
– Like me, my wife always spends my money,
and the neighbors always notice everything I do!
I don’t know if his wife spends his money
but I dare say his neighbors are always interested in his work.
And that gives me more sales opportunities.
– Why do you say that?
– Well, because today,
I went to see your neighbors.
After I talked to them,
they all decided to buy my product
and almost every one of them asked me,
“Have you visited my neighbor yet?”
I replied, “No, but I will see him this afternoon.”
Interestingly, all of them said,
“Oh, then tell me if he bought it!”.
Unable to contain my curiosity,
I asked one of them,
“Why would anyone want to know
what the next-door family member will do?”.
The person laughed loudly and said,
“Ah, because everyone around here knows
that he is a very funny person convenient”.
My client suddenly shouted:
– They say I’m the most miser in the county!
– Well, one of them said something about “first dollar”,
but I don’t know what he means!
My client laughed and said:
“Come on, you know what he means,
and he’s probably right.”
I’m a bit of a stingy person.
– They may think you are a miser,
but I find it very interesting
that you were born
and raised in this area,
but your friends or neighbors do not understand you!
– What do you mean?
– You said that you definitely won’t buy my pots and pans.
– That’s right, I won’t buy it!
– Well, isn’t that interesting?
He was born and raised with these people,
and yet they know nothing about him!
– I still do not understand.
“Sir, if I remember correctly,
you told me the other night that you have been married
to your wife for more than 20 years.
– Yes, to be exact,
we have been married for 24 years by this August.
– Let me ask you this question.
Last night, were you really sincere
[never ask someone this question if he is telling the truth;
because otherwise it would be an insult]
to say can you save at least $1 a day
to get the chance to use our cookware set?
– Maybe I can save 2 dollars/day!
You already know how much I eat
and I have four boys who eat just as much.
Success comes from taking the initiative
and following up or persisting. — Tony Robbins
The fact is:
You are not a manager of circumstance,
you’re the architect of your life’s experience. — Tony Robbins
– So if you want, you will save 1 dollar, right?
– At least it is.
– Oh, then if you use this set of pots and pans,
you will save 1 dollar.
And if you don’t, you’re going
to spend all that $1, won’t you?
– It might as well.
(Note that in situations like these,
you have to be firm and assertive
but still be very polite.
This is where you need to be very self-aware.
If you let yourself slip right now on that customer,
he won’t buy anything
when you’re done with your exchange.)
– What I say doesn’t really matter
because it’s your money.
The main thing is what will he say?
(In these types of conversations,
inflection may play a decisive role.)
– I think I
I’ll just say that.
– Then can you remove the word “suppose”?
– Okay.
– What would you think if I said you only need
to save 50 cents instead of 1 dollar a day?
– The better, isn’t it!
– Oh, so if this set of pots
and pans saves you 50 cents a day,
that means that every two days your wife has not used this set of pots
and pans,
she will withdraw a dollar bill from your pocket,
tear it into pieces and throw it in the trash, right?
Indeed, he could accept losing a dollar,
but according to the neighbors,
he did not like such things at all.
And they also think whether this very beautiful house is his,
or not his, but he has saved or borrowed,
or whether the 1,100 acres out there are his,
or not his, but belongs to him.
If you own a bank,
you don’t want to waste anything, do you?
Have you noticed that if you lose 50 cents every day,
after 40 days,
your grandparents will “throw away” a $20 bill?
Then I reached into my little notebook and said,
“You told me you’ve been married for over 23 years.
The calculation with the number 23 is a bit complicated,
so let’s temporarily reduce it to 20 years
[I wrote the number “20” on the paper].
He also just told me that this set of pots
and pans will save him at least 50 cents a day,
which means he will lose 50 cents if he doesn’t use it.
Assuming a year has 365 days,
you will lose 182.5 dollars
without this set of pots
and pans [I wrote “182.5 dollars”].
Thus, in the 20 years he lived with his grandmother,
he would have wasted $3,650
[I do the multiplication on paper:
20 years x $182.5]
if he didn’t have our pots and pans.
And yet you don’t want
to spend $395 [I wrote “$395”]
for this set of pots and pans
– does that mean you’re squandering?
There was silence for a moment,
and then he asked me a question,
probably one of the best I’ve ever heard.
It shows a lot about human nature
and makes me,
as a sales person, think.
That question is:
– Mr. Ziglar, what shall I tell my neighbor?
Before success comes in any man’s life,
he’s sure to meet with much temporary defeat and,
perhaps some failures.
When defeat overtakes a man,
the easiest
and the most logical thing to do is to quit.
That’s exactly what the majority of men do. — Napoleon Hill
Refuse to make excuses or blame others.
The leader always says,
If it’s to be, it’s up to me. — Brian Tracy
This is a very important lesson, my colleagues.
A lot of times,
your customer puts himself in a dilemma by promising his wife,
or other salesman that he won’t buy anything until…
When… If a “potential” customer isn’t making a purchase,
we need to be sensitive enough to realize
that maybe he’s in a dilemma
and wants to get out of it.
That’s what professional salespeople do.
I looked at him,
smiled and said:
“Sir, I have a very simple way
to make your neighbors respect you even more.
I will pass you the bill that says “one time pay”
because I know you never choose
to pay in installments
and incur additional interest,
because you are “so stingy” that [both of us] all smile.]
When the neighbors see that bill,
they will tease you.
However, he simply told them,
“It is true
that I said I would not buy a set of pots
and pans at such a high price,
but when I say that,
I only know from their price.
Now, when I understand how much that set of pots
and pans saves money
and helps my wife,
I know that buying it makes a lot of sense.
Honestly, I love my wife and family so much,
that I can’t let my own stubbornness get in the way of the
whole family enjoying a more comfortable,
happy life.”
I’m sure the neighbors will appreciate him more
because a real man is willing
to accept that he was wrong,
that he made an immature decision.
And that person is even more respectable
when he knows how to correct his mistakes.
When the customer got up
and went inside to get the checkbook,
he said:
– You are indeed a very clever man!
Since that time,
he has become a good friend of mine
and often helps me a lot.
Since everyone in the area knew
that the “spacious gentleman” also bought my products,
I sold more and more products.
I insisted that all I did was help him out
of his own predicament.
That makes buying and selling a lot easier.
Remember that your dominating focus attracts,
through a definite law of nature,
by the shortest and most convenient route,
their physical counterpart.
Be careful of what you focus on. — Napoleon Hill
All goal setting must be immediately followed
by both the development of a plan,
and massive and consistent action toward its fulfillment. — Tony Robbins
Every product has a top price,
or price ceiling.
(This is not true for growing,
popular services.)
This is even less true in terms of product benefits.
If the product saves money,
the longer you use it correctly,
the more it will benefit you.
I will describe the above example through the following diagram:
“If you just communicate, you can get by.
But if you communicate skillfully,
you can work miracles.” – Jim Rohn
“Choose to deliver amazing service to your customers.
You’ll stand out because they don’t get it anywhere else.” – Kevin Stirtz
If you buy a set of pots and pans,
the savings will offset the cost of buying them.
If you don’t buy,
your daily loss will quickly exceed the sale price
of that set of pots and pans.
Otherwise, you can choose to buy,
then let it cover the cost,
or you can choose not to buy
and continue to spend through daily losses.
And because whether
or not you buy a set of pots and pans,
you still have to pay for that loss,
so why don’t you buy it?”
OR: “As you can see,
the pots and pans save 50 cents a day,
and after 800 days,
you’ve got your full investment back.
And if you don’t buy this set of pots and pans,
after 800 days,
you will still have to pay $ 400 through the lost items
and still have no pots and pans.
In a nutshell, either you will invest $400
and have a set of pots and pans,
and then slowly get the full $400 back,
or don’t invest $400
and still pay $400 through your losses.
still don’t have those pots and pans.”
(Pauses and smiles)
Incorrect assumptions lie at the root of every failure.
Have the courage to test your assumptions. — Brian Tracy
STRATEGY “20/20”
There are essentially two things that will make you wise
the books you read
and the people you meet. — Jack Canfield
“Since grandparents will love this set of pots and pans,
we agree to sell it on a 20/20 basis,
which means grandparent will pay $20/month continuously
for 20 months
provided grandparent make a $20 deposit in advance.
Or grandparents can join the 90-day discount program.
In your opinion, which program is suitable?
Note that one of the most successful insurance salespeople,
Ben Feldman, once said,
“You only get the deal when the customer realizes they’ll pay more
if they don’t ‘act’ right then and there.”
If you keep a clear vision for your future,
it will pull you like a magnet
through your toughest times. — Tony Robbins
Law of attraction says:
“We’ll give you whatever it is you say and focus on.”
and so if you are complaining about how bad it is,
what you’re creating is more of how bad it is. — Jack Canfield
In 1977, we spent almost $10,000 on a new copier.
According to calculations,
that machine will save us working time at least 2 hours/day.
For every $5/hour (in 1977 time prices)
we save $10/day, $50/week and $2,600 per year.
Not only does that machine increase work efficiency,
but it also reduces paper jams (due to using older machines),
which means that we will save a certain amount
of money on paper purchases.
So we decided to invest in that machine
and gradually recovered the initial cost.
If we didn’t buy it,
we would still have to pay
through the savings
and not own a $10,000 machine.
The problem here is too obvious.
If you offer a cost-effective product or service,
you have to convince customers
until they understand that they have to pay
for the item whether they buy it or not.
And since they’ll have to pay
no matter what they decide,
they’d better take it.
Again, the salesperson should not just talk,
but point out the numbers to prove it.
Customers will decide to buy
or not based on what they understand and believe.
When customers clearly understand
that not investing in a purchase costs more than spending money to buy it,
they will decide to invest.
Whatever goal you give
to your subconscious mind,
it will work night
and day to achieve. — Jack Canfield
Until you have learned to be tolerant
with those who do not always agree with you,
you will be neither successful nor happy. — Napoleon Hill
Here is the question for you.
As a reader, if there is a cassette tape,
or a CD that helps you learn how to practice and use intonation,
how to ask questions,
how to tell stories,
how to use your imagination,
how to create word pictures
and how to close successful deals,
are you interested in them or not?
If you understand that that 60-minute recording was made
in front of an audience like you,
you will understand that I am sharing,
not trying to teach you anything.
That’s actually much more interesting, isn’t it?
I guarantee that the tapes will motivate you a lot
and guide you in detail on
how to become more professional to sell more products.
If you have to spend 3 dollars
to cover all product knowledge,
solve problems related to price,
isn’t that a bargain for you?
Successful people are decisive people.
When opportunities come their way,
they evaluate them carefully,
make a decision,
and take appropriate action.
They know that indecision wastes time
that could be spent on more productive tasks. — Napoleon Hill
The universe is completely balanced and in perfect order.
You will always be compensated
for everything that you do. — Brian Tracy
If you decide to take the above suggestion,
you’ll have to agree with me
that at least one of the tips mentioned in this book works.
If you decide otherwise,
allow me to ask one question:
“Do you have too many clients
who want to “think about it more,”
“look into it more,”
“talk it over with your spouse.” ,
my lawyer…?”.
In other words, they are trying
to delay decision making.
Did you know that procrastination is also contagious?
So obviously the best way
to get decisions from customers is
to make them yourself first, right?
If you are a procrastinator
and you decide to make a change,
take action right away,
so you can go much faster on your career path.
You’re probably wondering now
why I went to great lengths to sell a 3-dollar tape.
There are two reasons:
First, I want to demonstrate another tactic,
the “questioning” tactic
to lead the customer to a decision.
Second, and more importantly,
I believe these tapes will teach you how to practice
and use intonation,
and when that tape is used in conjunction with this book,
the effect will be maximized.
Yesterday is gone forever.
Make the most of today and tomorrow
if you wish to make up for lost time. — Napoleon Hill
There are no failures,
only outcomes.
As long as I learn something,
I am succeeding. — Tony Robbins
Not long ago, after
After a very enjoyable round of golf,
we took a shortcut through the Dallas-Fort Worth airport to go home.
When I reached the top of the hill,
I saw a very “friendly”-looking policeman signaling me
to pull over to the side of the road.
I use the word friendly in quotes.
Because, you know,
at that moment,
he looked at me with cold eyes.
I was really surprised
because I didn’t believe
that I was driving so fast that I was stopped by the police.
The policeman asked me
to show my driver’s license.
While handing him my driver’s license,
I politely asked him
why he stopped my car.
He says:
– You are driving at 51 mph,
which is 16 miles over the speed limit.
I replied in surprise:
– Oh, I didn’t know the speed limit was 35 mph.
I still thought it was 55 mph!
Hearing that, the officer assured me
that the regulations only allow driving up to 35 mph.
I replied:
If that’s the case,
then I’ve broken the law.
Then he asked me
where I was going,
I said I was going home
but since there was no rush
I didn’t have to go too fast.
He smiled and said:
– Oh, if you say that,
I’ll give you a chance to go at the right speed.
Then he gave me back my driver’s license,
and I thanked me endlessly
for that act of kindness.
I’m sure, in this case,
if I “played” him as I would with my client,
I’d be sure to get a ticket.
I would like to emphasize
that my foregoing statements are all out of genuine surprise.
Maybe somewhere on the road there were “35 mph” signs,
but I didn’t notice them,
even though I had passed this road countless times.
This story reminds me of a maxim:
“When you do something right or wrong,
take a step back to consider
and admit what you have done.”
As soon as you understand that the speed limit is only 35 mph,
without hesitation,
I immediately admitted
that I had exceeded the speed.
In my mind,
I believe the officer will eventually decide not to fine
when I say I’m not in a hurry,
because I’m not really in a hurry.
My explanations are not polished
or made up,
but they work
because they are true.
As I often say in this book,
in sales,
absolute honesty is always the most important key.
Part of paying the price is the willingness
to do whatever it takes to get the job done.
It comes from a declaration that you are going
to get it done no matter what it takes,
no matter how long it takes,
no matter what comes up. — Jack Canfield