Master the money, Change Your Life!
Step 3: Take Action
Action is the true measure of success. — Napoleon Hill
Will Rogers once said,
“Even if you’re on the right track,
you’ll still get run over if you’re just sitting in one place.”
As for becoming rich,
happy and peaceful in life,
most of the theory is put into practice through action,
because the only way to achieve your dreams in these arenas
is take consistent actions toward them.
and social commentator.
That’s the secret:
Consistent action,
not the scope,
or drama of the action you take to achieve your dream.
Doing one epic and one-time action right (usually) doesn’t do you any good.
Persistence in taking many small
and useful actions makes all the difference.
As famous entrepreneur,
and motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously said:
Success is doing ordinary things exceptionally well.
The biggest cause of mediocre results is that salespeople
and salespeople don’t stick to the little things.
We are often preoccupied with “hunting elephants”
or finding a big harvest,
when true success requires the small,
seemingly mundane,
activities of sales and business.
“What have you always wanted to do but been afraid to attempt?
Whatever it is, it may be your greatest opportunity in life.”— Brian Tracy
So, don’t get caught up in the volume or extent of action
when assessing what you need to do to achieve your dream;
Instead, focus on consistency of action.
This is a prime example of taking “small steps”
that will get you where you want to go.
Remember, “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”.
The key is, make sure that today,
you are moving towards your dreams in a consistent direction.
No need to worry about what steps you will take tomorrow
or next week.
If you are not real
If the first step is performed,
there will be no next step.
The hard part, of course,
is how to muster the self-discipline
to persevere with each next step.
Jim Rohn also said,
“Discipline is the bridge to goal and achievement”.
To get where you want to be,
you have to do the little things with excellence and consistency.
This is when things get quite challenging for everyone.
If we could consistently do what we know we should do,
we would have enjoyed a rich and successful life.
(And chances are you haven’t read this book by now.)
But it’s not that simple!
In fact, you may remember the crux of the paradox of human nature,
which is knowing exactly what you need
to do to increase sales and income,
but failing to stick with it.
“When you find your heart’s desire,
you’ll have the key to unlocking your potential
in every other part of your life.”— Brian Tracy
If only we could do the little things we know we should do.
If I could make 6 sales calls a day,
I could make a 6 figure salary and life would be great!
After my father passed away in 1996,
one of the items I added to my success plan was to be “a great dad to my son.”
But still behind bars in prison,
what actions can I take to be consistent with being a great dad?
I know I can’t do anything great.
But luckily for me,
being a great dad doesn’t involve doing something epic.
Just be consistent in doing something,
no matter how small
and insignificant it may seem at the time.
So I decided to do something I could do from my cell:
Write a letter to my son.
Over the next 7 years, I wrote hundreds of letters to my son.
These letters may seem insignificant
to a boy who is not yet old enough to read.
My son has another “dad” in his life
who is doing “big” things like camping,
skating, or going to an amusement park.
Compared to those activities,
writing letters seems too trivial.
But as it turns out, that’s enough,
as long as I keep doing it.
Seven years after entering the prison,
I came out of the prison.
The old 3-year-old boy is now 10,
and as you can imagine, my father
and I don’t have the kind of relationship
we would have had if I had lived better before.
But we have results from those consistent letters.
“Your greatest asset is your earning ability,
to apply your knowledge,
skills in order to get results which others will pay.”— Brian Tracy
My only concern upon being released was to find my son
and be the father he deserves.
When I got out,
I learned that Hunter’s mother was in prison
and that the boy was living with his aunt,
always had a very positive and encouraging influence in his life.
Shortly after my release,
I contacted her and was finally able to convince her that
I had become a different person
than the rebel who abandoned the baby 7 years ago.
In the end, she agreed that Hunter should live with me.
My son has grown into a great guy,
and our bond has also grown stronger over time.
It is understandable that Hunter has struggled to control anger
and issues related to abandonment for many years.
However, Hunter also went beyond the limits that
I put on him during the first 10 years of his life.
Deep in my heart,
I know that the bond we maintain through our “small” letters
is the foundation on which we can ultimately forge a deep
and loving relationship.
“Combine the dual qualities of empathy
and ambition in every sales relationship.”— Brian Tracy
In my first book,
I told the story of the day Hunter returned home
from visiting his grandmother’s house.
The boy lived with his great-grandmother Nana
for a while when he was 15-16 years old.
By then, he had lived with me for many years
and everything was fine.
Nana made sure Hunter received the letters
I wrote to him during my years in captivity.
But when he returned from that trip,
still a teenager,
he brought with him some letters he had never received
and that Nana found in the garage.
These are letters I wrote to him 10 and 12 years ago.
I described the day he came home in those letters:
Last summer,
while I was working in my yard,
Hunter approached me with a stack of letters.
“Look at this,” said the boy.
“See this letter my father wrote to me
when I was a child.”
In the courtyard in front of our mountain house on that glorious summer day,
I stood with my son,
who was about to become a man,
and read the letters with him.
I think about 12 years ago,
as I wrote them in a dark lonely place,
and in that moment standing there with Hunter,
I knew that my life was fulfilled.
The efforts and determination have paid off.
All very valuable.
We read together what I wrote many years ago.
You are truly an Angel Boy.
You represent all hope,
goodness and purity.
On this planet,
there is no man as proud of his son as a father is proud of him.
I realize that I have made a mistake,
and I am very sorry that I have to leave you now,
but one day I will come back to you and I am very sorry for
I have to leave you now,
but one day I will come back to you
and NEVER do anything to make me leave you again.
I LOVE YOU and that will NEVER change.
love you,
My father
Hunter smiled and turned to walk away with the letters,
knowing that his father always loved him.
Although Hunter received hundreds of letters from me,
for some reason,
this stack of letters did not reach him
until 12 years later.
Interestingly, it doesn’t even matter that he didn’t get them years ago.
In fact, I believe their impact on him was even more profound,
as he received them as an adult.
Time will erode or strengthen us all.
For better or worse, our actions will eventually be exposed.
Success depends on persisting in taking the right actions,
even if the results only come many years later.
The point is, you can’t do the right things
and inadvertently produce the wrong results.
In the end, the results will reflect the action.
I believe that my relationship with my son,
as well as the foundation on which he has built a successful life,
is the result of the power of consistency.
It was all just seemingly insignificant letters that kept getting sent to him.
Small steps repeated over and over produce powerful results.
Today, Hunter is in his sophomore year of college
and we have a great relationship,
just like I envisioned in the cell.
My son has reached the age
where he needs less care and more friendship.
As the boy matured and knew he could count on his father,
he gained the reassurance and confidence to find his own journey.
It’s a guy who excels with his own strong story.
He has seen and experienced things that no child should suffer,
but my son overcame the struggle
I created for him during the first 10 years of his life.
I have a hunch that,
one day,
he will have an important influence on my life
of children who are facing difficult situations like the boy he was in childhood.
In the past, you may have failed to take consistent actions,
but my friend,
you can still do what you need to do, on a regular basis and as a habit,
to create dream life and work.
You just need a little help to find the power
to do the little things with excellence and consistency.
We all know the feeling of committing
to what we know we need to do only
to fail after a brief period of success.
It’s just that we have trouble sticking to it, right?
You feel very excited about starting a new cycle
that will improve your life and business.
You also know “now is the right time and this is the right place” to do it.
But, for some reason, in just a few days,
you’ve gone from making six sales calls a day to one a day.
What happened?
Where has your determination gone?
How has your will and self-discipline let you down?
To answer these questions is actually quite simple,
if you understand a rather odd point about your will.
Believe it or not, willpower is actually a finite resource
and can lose its power over a short period of time.
The more you use it, the weaker
and more unreliable it will become.
In the popular book Switch:
How to Change Things When Change Is Hard, authors Chip
and Dan Heath present a case study,
demonstrate that self-discipline weakens over time.
In short, research shows the impact of using willpower now
on the ability to exert similar willpower in the future.
In the study, college students were asked
to sit in a room with chocolate chip cookies and radishes.
One group was allowed to eat biscuits
but had to fast from turnips,
while the other group was allowed to eat radishes
but had to fast from cookies.
Apparently, the cookie fasting group had to use more willpower
than the radish fasting group.
Surprisingly, the group that used this determination
to resist the urge to eat cookies showed significantly low willpower
when asked to rely on willpower in the exercise immediately following the cookie exercise.
While Chip and Dan’s book provides a much more comprehensive
and detailed explanation of what you need to do to change,
The point was pretty clear.
Your willpower will weaken
when you use it continuously for a short period of time.
Of course, you don’t need a study done on college students to know this.
Chances are you discovered it on January 3rd,
after you’ve “got back to the old ways”
and gone against all the New Year resolutions you’ve made.
Therefore, success in life and business
is not about the grand commitments you make on New Year’s Day,
but the small commitments you hold on to each day of January and May.
Two and the following months.
You cannot rely on will and self-discipline
to take the necessary consistent actions,
for they will frustrate you in the moments
when you are tempted.
You need something to energize and support these actions,
something to keep you going during those moments of weakness.
You need something that makes you make a Friday call every day
and transforms you on a fundamental level.
With that, steadfastly doing the right things will no longer be a long battle.
What you need is a subconscious mind that is programmed
to automatically do the things you need to do.
You need these actions to become second nature,
like the ride home from the office.
The energy and faith that flow from the quiet time ritual will help you achieve it.
You need to put new, second-instinct actions in the box
and be able to remove them at critical moments on your journey
to wealth and success.
You have to develop a new,
ingrained way to keep you on track.
It will be a guidepost to ensure
that your actions are consistent with what you want to be,
who you want to be, and what you want
to contribute in your life and business.
You will have all that and more,
by dedicating 15 minutes a day to a quiet time ritual.
This period of time is the source of the strength you need
to make sound and consistent decisions.
It’s the foundation on which you create a great life and business,
what keeps you strong and distraction-free along the way.
The quiet time ritual will establish your dream life on a fundamental level,
so that you can develop a deep emotional commitment.
That commitment will never give
Lets you forget what you need to do.
It will keep you on track on a subconscious level,
no matter how distracted your consciousness is.
The quiet time ritual will invigorate and support your energy and self-discipline.
As I stated in chapter 5,
the purpose of the quiet time ritual is to program
into your box new thoughts and beliefs that you can easily dismiss in times
of uncertainty and weakness.
In the end, your life will perfectly reflect the success plan you put in the box
in your quiet time ritual.
This period also serves as a powerful daily guide to keep you on track.
During this time,
your subconscious mind will be programmed
to work towards your dreams,
by taking the consistent steps outlined in your success plan.
You will then create a new level of personal responsibility for yourself.
Stop for a moment and consider your plan for success.
Is there any doubt that you will eventually achieve your consistent results
if you take consistent actions every day?
No, because we all know that you can’t do the right thing
and inadvertently produce the wrong result.
The ritual of quiet time ensures that you take consistent actions every day,
thereby ensuring a new level of success in your sales and business career.
For example, your success plan includes achieving a 6-figure income,
and you have outlined your consistent action
as “I make 6 new sales calls a day”.
You’ve understood that,
based on your sales model and performance,
6 new calls a day will lead to reliable sales results.
As a result, you will achieve your desired income goals.
Now, imagine you spend 15 minutes in a quiet time ritual
reviewing your personal success plan
and repeating the consistent action of “I make 6 new sales calls a day.”
You allow yourself to experience the emotions
that a six-figure income means for your family
and future.
You allow yourself to feel as if it’s happening to you.
Now, continue to imagine it’s 4pm and you’ve only made 4 calls.
What do you think will happen?
happen? You will most likely feel jittery or irritable.
You may also hear a series of alarm bells ringing in your head.
Compare it to how you feel after making 4 new sales calls
without coding 6 calls into your box.
Without a ritual of quiet time,
you’ll most likely feel perfectly content accepting the performance of the other 4 calls.
The added pressure of 2 additional calls made you raise your expectations
for yourself significantly.
And as you know,
expectations put limits on your results.
Raise your expectations,
and the results will soon follow.
Since you’ve established this action so deeply subconsciously
and allowed yourself to experience the emotions it produces,
you won’t spare yourself if you just make 4 calls.
Therefore, not being able to make 6 calls will cause internal conflict in you.
You can’t ignore the fact that you didn’t make 6 calls.
Your quiet time ritual will set a new standard
of expectations for yourself,
and if you don’t meet that expectation,
you won’t be able to reconcile your expectations and actions.
If you haven’t set this goal for yourself before,
you won’t experience any inner conflict
when you don’t do the things you claim to do.
Since you’ve never created a dream
and allowed yourself to taste the emotions of having it,
it’s easy to forgive yourself.
Your results will never exceed your expectations,
and you will forever be comfortable in mediocrity.
This higher level of personal success
and responsibility reflects the consistent principle
that “personal oaths determine future actions.”
More importantly, you’re more likely
to get something done if you tell yourself in advance that you’re going to do it.
If you don’t make a promise to yourself,
you won’t be held accountable for anything.
And this lack of internal pressure will leave you alone.
You know that your achievement is almost certain,
if you do what you should.
If you do the right things,
you can only do the right things.
The only question is,
are you going to do them or not?
The consistent principle that “personal oaths determine future actions” takes advantage
of a fact of human nature: cognitive contradiction.
This is the anxiety or discomfort we feel
when we hold conflicting ideas and beliefs.
Therefore, if during the quiet time ritual,
if you tell yourself to do certain things and believe
that you will create success by doing them,
you will suffer cognitive contradictions if you do not do them,
actions consistent with personal oaths.
This may be a new level of personal responsibility for you,
but the kind of responsibility that will propel you to new levels
of success in sales and business.
By outlining your new life and business in your success plan,
and programming it into your box in a ritual of quiet time,
you’ll capitalize on cognitive dissonance and motivate yourself,
to unparalleled levels of personal responsibility and success.
By creating and programming your plan
of success deep into your subconscious through a ritual of quiet time,
you will create a powerful new ally
for your energy and self-discipline.
You will strengthen your personal resolve to do what
you need to do to get what you want.
Here’s how a broke,
high school dropout,
convicted three times,
can walk out of jail,
into a homeless shelter,
generating $20 million in revenue in the past year.
60 months and earned a spot on Inc.’s list
of America’s fastest-growing private companies.
I simply made a successful plan,
deeply emotionally committed to it throughout
7 years of practicing the ritual of quiet time
and letting conflicting perceptions drive action to ensure wealth,
and peace.
Hey, this isn’t rocket science!
So, if a stubborn person with an IQ of 103 like me can do it,
why can’t you?
You can and will do if you follow this very predictable process.
The power of consistency rests on the human tendency
to eliminate cognitive dissonance,
in this case by performing programmed actions in a ritual of quiet time.
there is another way people can get rid of anxiety when
hold conflicting ideas and beliefs.
It is to exclude expectations from your success plan
or to abandon the ritual of quiet time altogether.
In other words, if we never had the expectation to do something,
there would be no conflict when we didn’t do it.
We spare ourselves by never raising our expectations.
Let’s say you’ve created a success plan
and subconsciously programmed consistent action
to call 6 new customers a day.
You go out on your first day and only get one new client.
Cognitive contradictions will make you almost lose your mind!
What will happen next?
The next day, you perform the quiet time ritual again and go to work.
After letting yourself fail with one call the day before
and feeling terrible about it,
a new level of personal responsibility will push you
to make the other six calls.
You do it again the next day and the next day after that.
Then, all of a sudden, you’re making 6 calls a day,
and like all new habits, things get easier after 25-30 days.
Soon, not making 6 new calls is the exception.
You are consistently making 6 calls per day.
So what will be the impact on your income?
What results will you produce?
Just incorporate making 6 calls a day into your quiet time ritual
and you’ll see your inner strength complete the rest.
Once you consistently engage in consistent actions,
consistent outcomes become fairly predictable.
Cognitive dissonance promotes new behaviors,
which in turn promote new outcomes.
And the next thing you know,
you’ve become a top-earning producer.
But suppose you took an easy retreat
and eliminated the cognitive dissonance
by ending the quiet time ritual on day two,
instead of making six calls?
You can eliminate anxiety in either case,
but get two very different long-term outcomes in terms of business and income.
Creating a success plan and programming it into your subconscious will force you
to eliminate any cognitive inconsistencies by doing one of two things:
1. Eventually,
you’ll start taking actions that are consistent
and produce better results.
2. You will completely eliminate your quiet time ritual.
You simply won’t be able to do it both ways.
At some point,
the situation will turn tough
and you will have to take action.
Ask yourself how long it takes you to consider your dreams
(and the things you need to do to achieve them)
every morning and then fail to fulfill them throughout the day.
If you’re like most people,
your answer will be “Probably not for long”.
“Think about your goals at every opportunity throughout the day.”— Brian Tracy
In the end, you will either give up on your dream
or start acting in accordance with your plan of success.
Human nature ensures that, in the end,
you will eliminate cognitive dissonance in one way or another.
Not achieving your dreams is regrettable,
but lying to yourself is even worse.
If you make a successful plan
and revisit it every day in the quiet time ritual,
but continue to live as if the plan never existed,
you will become the perpetrator and the victim at the same time.
There is nothing worse than lying to yourself.
At some point in life,
we have to give up
and excuse our failures and mediocrity,
or put in more effort
and hold ourselves accountable.
Once you accept that better results are guaranteed by doing better,
the only reason for failure is the decision to let yourself fail.
That sounds harsh,
but it’s true.
Failure to accomplish goals is only the consequence
of not doing the right things consistently.
If failure is the result of external factors,
such as a weak economy,
bad business relationships,
cheap competitors or stupid superiors,
everyone in the same situation suffers the consequences as same fruit.
But that’s definitely not the case.
There are still very successful sales
and business professionals right next to the losers.
The only difference between them lies in their own thoughts and actions.
A few months ago,
I went bowling for the first time in many years.
I was amazed at how easy it was
for the ball to roll into the trench,
even though the track was so small compared to the entire runway.
I kept rolling the ball into the trench
and then I realized I could pull a device down to block them.
I asked one of the staff about the device.
She said, “Oh, it’s the ledge,
but only for the kids.”
“Come on,”
I said.
“Let me try it once.”
“Okay,” she replied,
“But only once!”
I lowered the ledges
and threw the ball.
As it approached the trench,
the ball hit the ledge,
bounced across the runway
and into another trench.
It kept rolling from side
to side as it ran along the runway,
and ended up knocking down a few batteries.
“Only 3% of adults have written goals,
and everyone else 97% works for them.”— Brian Tracy
Essentially, the quiet time ritual puts speed bumps on your everyday actions.
We are all human,
so sometimes we will not achieve the required goals.
But once you commit emotionally to your dreams,
you’ll never stray too far.
You may come close to the trench and allow yourself
to decline to make the number of calls committed,
but your subconscious will speak up
and remind you of your consistent actions.
It’s a powerful mechanism for personal accountability.
Establishing what you want
and what you need to do to get it in a ritual
of quiet time will keep you on track,
no matter what distractions
and day-to-day interruptions of life
keep you busy anywhere.
I cannot guarantee that you will follow this process
and take advantage of the power of consistency.
However, if I can get you to stick with it,
it will forever prevent you from accepting mediocrity.
You will never be the same once you know what can happen.
You may not always do what you need to do,
but you’ll know what you’ve given up.
You have the talent, skill,
and ability to create the sales
and business results you crave.
Now you even know how to do it.
If you don’t complete it,
you can’t blame anyone but yourself.
It’s okay if you don’t,
just be honest enough with yourself
and admit that you chose not to.
This is just a fact of life.
Please don’t shoot the messenger.
I want to share one more short example of how success planning
and a quiet time ritual can keep you steadfastly moving toward your dreams.
Let’s say, your consistent results are “I weigh 81.6kg”
and your consistent actions are “I only eat healthy
and nutritious food”
and “I exercise 30 minutes a day” .
Now, imagine yourself
I’m revisiting it every day and allow yourself
to visualize and experience the emotions
you’ve had when you’ve created your dream.
Guess what if you found yourself eating a delicious chocolate cake instead of lunch?
Alarm bells will ring in your head,
and you will feel extremely frustrated with yourself.
That is the power of cognitive dissonance.
If you continue the ritual of quiet time,
your actions will eventually correspond to the dream.
The only way to make them inconsistent with their goal
is to give up their ritual of quiet time.
Even if your actions don’t match your dreams at first,
in the end they will.
Time and time again,
I’ve come to realize that programming your subconscious can
and will bring you closer to your dreams.
After my father passed away in 1996,
I made my first success plan,
and one of the things I desperately wanted was
to be “a person of character,
and integrity.”
I considered my plan in the quiet time ritual
for the next several years
and thought about what it took to become one.
“Your ability to set goals and to make plans
for their accomplishment
is the master skill of success.”— Brian Tracy
I also allow myself to experience the emotions of being a person of dignity,
and integrity.
Obviously, I was a million miles away from becoming that person.
I, who spent my entire adult life lying,
and stealing,
was the exact opposite of someone with dignity,
and integrity.
However, I am determined to create a new reality
for myself and achieve my dream of being trustworthy.
So every day,
I review my plan and make sure
I’m taking actions that are consistent with that dream.
In prison, such actions include stopping participation
in prison entertainment.
I could hardly tell myself,
“I am a man of character,
and integrity” every morning,
and then go out to smoke weed
and drink in the prison yard.
It also means that,
if I borrow coffee or toothpaste until the due date,
I must repay the loan as soon as possible without excuses.
(By the way, paying off debt in prison is
also synonymous with health insurance,
because not paying your debt can be very bad for your health!)
Six years later, no matter what,
I had to decide if I was going to behave consistently
with my dreams in 2002
Six years after my father’s death
and just one year before my release,
the moment to test who I really am has arrived.
“Design your financial future in every respect,
and then make a plan to achieve it.”— Brian Tracy
One morning,
while I was talking on the phone,
a guard passing by suddenly collapsed to the floor of my cell.
I quickly hung up the phone and rushed
to the crowd of prisoners who were surrounding him
while he was having a seizure.
I stood watching him convulse,
then suddenly he was completely motionless.
Within seconds, the warden’s face turned pale.
Apparently, his brain isn’t getting oxygen.
As I watched him die,
I heard a voice say in my head,
“I am a man of character, honor and integrity.”
That’s what I told myself every morning for 6 years straight.
The cognitive dissonance suddenly came into play
as I watched the man struggle to stay alive,
and I knew I had to do something.
I was surprised to hear the voice in my head
and suddenly realized that I had a choice.
I’m standing in the middle of a fork.
I can take actions consistent with being a person of character,
honor and integrity;
or I can go back to my cell in shame
and remove that dream from my list.
I can’t have both, I can’t be both the perpetrator and the victim.
And I’m not going to cross that dream off my list.
“If you think education is expensive,
you should try ignorance.”— Brian Tracy
My life is moving forward in a direction consistent with my dreams.
As I described in The Upside of Fear,
I acted consistently with my dream of becoming a better person
and began a movement that can only
be grudgingly considered cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
In the end, I was assisted by an officer who knew CPR
and successfully saved the warden’s life.
I received a letter thanking him for my actions two weeks later.
In the letter,
he said I had presented myself as a person of “good character”.
It was one of the words I wrote into my success plan years ago.
The lesson learned is very simple.
Outline your dream life and business in your success plan
and program your dreams into your subconscious
through a ritual of quiet time.
Taking these steps will establish consistent results
and consistent action into your box,
giving you the strength
and determination to take the consistent actions needed
to turn your dreams into reality.
When the situation calls for it,
you will find yourself taking the actions you know you need to do.
Once that happens,
the results will be guaranteed
because you can’t do one thing and inadvertently create another.
You will solve the paradox of human nature.
You will know what you need to do to become rich,
and you will do it.
“What one skill, if you developed it,
could have the greatest positive impact on your career?
This is the key to your future.”— Brian Tracy
This is sell, finance and investment. — Cherry Nguyen
One of the extraordinary things about quiet time rituals is that over time,
you will find it less of a struggle
to take actions that are consistent with your dreams.
You’ll discover your emotional state changes
as you begin to feel as though parts of your plan for success have come true.
You will use passion,
purpose and confidence to approach each day.
When you start thinking like a successful person,
you will begin to feel like a successful person.
When you start to feel like a successful person,
you will start to behave like a successful person.
When you start behaving like a successful person,
you will begin to produce successful results.
And the next thing you know,
you’re living the dream of your life.
You’ll find yourself making the right decisions more consistently
as you follow this process.
These choices will come more naturally
and require less effort.
As you change your thinking
and program your dreams into your subconscious,
you will see your emotional state change.
That makes it easier
to take consistent actions toward your dreams.
All are self-fulfilling prophecies.
It’s not fancy
or complicated rocket science,
it’s just how the universe works.
The secret to success is to develop yourself
so that you can stand above any problem. – T. Harv Eker