Master the Game, Change Your Life!
Step 2: Emotionally Commit
One must possess one thing in order to win,
which is a clear purpose,
that is, a clear awareness of what one wants
and a burning desire to possess it. – Napoleon Hill
The second step in the FEAR process is a strong emotional commitment
to your sales and earnings goals,
as well as any goals you identify in the focus step.
This commitment step also begins the transition from planning
for a superior life and business
to actually taking action to make it a new reality.
This is when you move from knowing
and wanting to taking action.
Bring back the memories from your childhood that still follow you today.
When you remember a particular memory,
consider how long it took you to do it.
A millionth of a second?
Most people don’t need a lot of time for that.
We can immediately recall something that happened decades ago
if it’s important enough to us.
Now, ask yourself this question
when thinking about a particular memory:
What did you do an hour before or after that time?
If you’re like most people,
you won’t be able to remember it.
Interestingly, right?
Even though you have a very clear
and precise memory of an event that happened
when you were a child,
you cannot remember
what you were doing right before or after the event.
“Eighty percent of life’s satisfaction comes from meaningful relationships.”— Brian Tracy
More than 400 million seconds have passed from the moment you were born
to your 13th birthday.
And if you consider every second that passes as a potential memory,
that would be 400 million potential moments to remember.
But you only remember a few things from your childhood.
There’s a reason why we can only remember
a few things from our childhood.
And that reason is emotion.
Memory is created when an event arises
and evokes a strong emotion,
and the event is anchored to that emotion.
Once this happens,
decades may have passed
and you can still recall the moment immediately.
So chances are you are experiencing a strong emotion
in the memory that you just recalled.
Maybe you were very happy,
very sad,
very scared,
or very much this or that.
The emotion you are experiencing at that moment ties your memory
to the event and ensures that you will never forget it.
Sometimes, it’s a memory we want to forget but can’t.
Once a memory is programmed into your subconscious,
it never goes away, never!
It’s the permanent effect of creating a strong emotional bond with something.
It will be present for the rest of your life.
And even though you haven’t consciously thought about it
before you read this chapter,
it’s always lying on the surface of your subconscious,
waiting to appear at any moment.
The goal of the emotional commitment step is
to establish all of the things you listed in your subconscious focus step
as a strong childhood memory that will ensure
that these items is deeply fixed in your subconscious.
“Make a total commitment to your company,
your job,
and your career.
Uncommitted people have no future.”— Brian Tracy
Thus, the items in the success plan will always be present
in your subconscious mind.
Besides, it will motivate you
to do the things that you have determined
to be done in order to achieve your goal.
Then, no matter how distracted your consciousness is,
your subconscious mind
and RAS will always be aware of
where you are going
and what you need to do to get there.
You will automatically reach your final destination,
the same way you would drive home from the office,
without consciously thinking about it.
Later, in the action step,
you will understand how this conflict of perceptions
and inclinations in human nature will drive your behavior
to persist in doing what you know you should do.
When you think and do the right things,
success is not about if,
but about when.
Have you ever started a new diet
and followed it for a few days,
then suddenly forgot you were on a diet and dropped the plan?
I don’t mean you intentionally decided to break your diet,
I mean you actually ate quite a bit of cake and thought to yourself,
“Damn it! I forgot I was on a diet!”
Wouldn’t it be great if the diet was programmed
into your subconscious as a powerful memory?
That way, no matter how distracted you are,
the knowledge that you’re actually dieting will be on the surface
of your subconscious,
just like your childhood memories from 30 or 40 years ago.
It’s almost impossible to forget that you’re on a diet.
have you ever decided
to do something new in your sales career knowing
it would have a profound impact on your income?
You get crazy excited, decide to do it,
go to the office and do it.
It’s done.
This is your new approach,
and it will change your business forever!
However, the daily tasks and problems
that you have to deal with will soon distract you.
It will only take you about a week
to forget about the new method and return
to whatever you were doing before.
The worst part is, new results such as increased profits
and/or income would have appeared
if you had persisted with the change over the long term.
But at some point,
you forget you are applying the new method
and everything immediately returns
to where it was before.
Wouldn’t it be great if you programmed this new method
into your subconscious
so that no matter how busy you were,
you couldn’t forget you were doing it?
Even if you want to forget,
you can’t.
Imagine the impact on your business
and the results you would see
if you actually applied that new approach consistently.
“Make a decision to be successful right now.
Most people never decide to be wealthy
and that is why they retire poor.”— Brian Tracy
By now, you already know that
you can’t focus on creating something that goes wrong.
If you focus on new ways of working,
you will only produce the results you desire.
The problem is,
most of us just rely on willpower to keep us on track.
But often we discover that willpower lets us down and then,
we stop doing the things we know we need to do.
The secret to creating an excellent life and business is
to establish everything you identified in the subconscious focus step
as a permanent memory.
Then, all your desires, who you want to be,
and what you want to contribute will forever
be imprinted on your subconscious
thoughts and memories.
You won’t forget to do the things you know you need to do,
nor will the RAS filter out the opportunities you need
to make your dreams come true.
You also don’t need to rely on every will.
You will use a strong memory to join forces with your will,
to make a certain number of sales calls
or to follow a process at the company.
It will become a part of you and you will never forget it.
As you will see in the next action step,
once these things are imprinted in your memory,
they guide actions that maintain correspondence (consistency)
with the things on which you are focusing.
Those actions become consistent actions,
which will weave into who you are and turn into habits.
Then the results will soon follow.
The trick is, supplement your will
and conscious thoughts with a strong emotional connection
to what you’re focusing on and expecting in life and in business.
This requires you to program your goals into the box as a permanent,
unforgettable memory.
Here’s a 3-step process to help you emotionally commit
to your dreams and make them a permanent memory.
This process will help you organize the information
from the steps into your success plan.
The three steps in the process include:
1. Write it down
2. Review
3. Feel
We will go into the details of each step.
“A person with average talent,
ambition and education,
can outstrip a genius in society,
if that person has focused goals.”— Brian Tracy
The first step is to write down 3 key goals
that include what you want to be,
who you want to be,
and what you want to contribute.
You will also list the things that you must do to get what you want.
You probably already have this list
and it will form the basis of your success plan.
The trick is, write them in affirmative sentences.
In essence, you will create thoughts
as if you have achieved the goals
and desires you are writing about.
This will spur the emotions and actions
to make them really happen.
All is a giant circle of creation and expression.
It was a self-fulfilling prophecy.
It is important that you understand that,
even if the thoughts are your own,
the feelings, actions,
and results that follow them are all very real.
Thus, when you begin to program your thoughts
about a career in sales and business,
you engage in a physiological process that creates emotions.
Although the initial thoughts are created by you,
the emotions that arise from them are very real.
In other words,
if you think you won the lottery,
you will experience exactly the same emotions
as if you had actually won the lottery,
even though you later know you didn’t win the lottery.
Do you remember the story about two teenage girls in a car accident?
Every family experiences emotions related
to what they thought happened,
not what actually happened.
For this reason,
it is important that you write down your success plan in the present tense,
as if it were really true at this moment.
Let’s analyze a few examples below.
Let’s say you define an annual income of $200,000
as one of your career goals.
You write the present tense affirmation in the success plan:
I make $200,000 per year.
We will call each item you outline
in your personal success plan a consistent outcome
and the things you need to do to achieve them as consistent action.
It is important to describe consistent results
that are consistent with how you feel.
Don’t limit yourself to my words or anyone’s description.
Use words that feel natural
to you and keep it simple!
At this point, don’t worry about how you’re going to achieve these,
because we’ll talk about that later.
It is essential that you write down exactly what you want in life
and in business as if it had already happened.
Fortunately, you can use this process in every area
of your life that is important to you,
such as your income,
career aspirations,
health, fitness,
and relationships similarly.
Now, let’s move on to who you want to be
and what you want to contribute in your life and business.
Be very specific.
Here are two specific examples from my own experience.
I am a great father to my son.
I am a man of honor and character.
Your contributions may include:
I built 3 schools in Ethiopia.
I adopted 2 Chinese orphans.
I contributed $1 million to charity.
It is important to write them in the present tense
as if you have already obtained them.
Don’t worry about the dream seeming too lofty
or too extravagant.
Not at all.
When you’ve dreamed the biggest dream possible… dream even bigger!
Don’t let people say “You can’t do it!”
get in the way when you’re busy doing it.
Each consistent outcome you write down becomes an item in your success plan.
Next, start filling in the 1-2 things you need
to consistently do to make each dream come true.
These are your consistent actions.
If each item in your success plan is an achievement
or outcome you aspire to,
then every consistent action is one thing you need
to do to achieve it.
List actions that are consistent in the present tense
as if you were doing it consistently,
and do the same with consistent results.
For example, if you used the previous income goal,
your consistent results and actions might look like this:
I make $200,000 per year.
(consistent results)
1. I make 6 sales calls per day.
(consistent action #1)
2. I launch each sales opportunity with passion and purpose.
(consistent action #2)
Once you’ve written down consistent results and acted consistently,
you’ll have the foundation to create everything you want in life and work.
All personal success in your career will come from your planning.
How likely are you to get consistent results
if you take consistent actions every day?
I’m sure it’s pretty tall.
Of course, the key is to make regular actions a habit,
and we’ll talk about that later.
Right now,
I’m only interested in creating a plan for your success.
Let’s look at one more example.
Let’s say one of your desires is
to build a $10 million business,
and you’ve determined
2 leverage actions will help you get there.
Write down your consistent results and actions as follows:
My company generates $10 million in revenue every year. (consistent results)
1. I create 2,000 new leads every year.
(consistent action #1)
2. I respect and behave with dignity to customers and employees.
(consistent action #2)
Again, outline your vision for success,
using words that you find personal
and comforting,
and don’t let the “how” overwhelm you.
Focus only on your desires
and the steps you take that can help you achieve them.
Here is one more example:
I weigh 81.5kg. (consistent results)
1. I only eat healthy food. (consistent action #1)
2. I exercise 3 days a week. (consistent action #2)
Is there any doubt that you would enjoy a healthier
and more active lifestyle
if only eating healthy foods and exercising diligently?
Of course not! You know this,
you just don’t do it.
But that will change once you take advantage of the power of consistency.
Once you write down each consistent outcome with 1-2 consistent actions,
you will have a very simple and clear personal success plan.
This will be the foundation for you
to create amazing and amazing things in life.
Remember that at this point,
you need to identify only 1-2 actions that will lead to the results you desire.
While there can be dozens of potential actions,
you only need to identify 1-2 actions that,
when implemented,
will lead you to the desired outcome.
This is also your opportunity to map out consistent results specifically designed
to reverse the limiting beliefs you discovered in the focus step of this process.
Later on, you will learn how to program them into your subconscious.
Then you will neutralize any limiting beliefs in your box with new beliefs.
They will help you overcome old beliefs
and inspire you to achieve amazing things in life and work.
For example, you have always believed that selling
is a shady profession and it is difficult
to trust sales professionals.
To reverse that limiting belief,
you can add a consistent outcome
and consistent action like this:
Sales is an honorable profession.
(consistent results)
1. I work hard to serve my customers better.
(act consistently)
Let’s look at another example o
f how you can use new beliefs to overwhelm a prejudice.
Suppose, you always think that “rich people are scammers”.
Let’s further assume that this limiting belief is undermining your ability
to legally succeed and rich.
If that’s the case,
you can add consistent results and actions like this:
Creating wealth
and value while serving others is a glorious endeavor.
(consistent results)
1. In my work,
I am persistently dedicated to helping others in terms of service.
(consistent action #1)
2. I am always looking to provide exceptional value.
(consistent action #2)
Once this new system of thinking
and beliefs is programmed into the subconscious,
it will bury any false beliefs about wealth and success.
When completed,
your new personal success plan will likely look like this,
depending on how many areas of your life you want to cover.
“You are a potential genius;
there is no problem you cannot solve,
and no answer you cannot find somewhere.”— Brian Tracy
I make $200,000 per year.
1. I make 6 sales calls per day.
2. I launch each sales opportunity with passion and purpose.
I create wealth by serving others.
Creating wealth is a glorious endeavor.
1. In my work,
I am persistently dedicated to helping others in terms of service.
2. I am always looking to provide exceptional value.
I weigh 81.5kg.
1. I only eat healthy foods.
2. I exercise 3 days a week.
I am a wonderful husband and father.
1. I spend time with my family every week.
2. I am very patient and kind to my wife.
I am a man of honor and character.
1. I made a promise,
I will keep it.
2. I am fair and equal in resolving conflicts.
I improve the lives of people who are struggling.
1. I share what I’ve learned when people need it.
Your list can be as long or short as you want,
and you can add
or remove items from the list if you want.
In fact, in the action step,
there will be two times
when you remove consistent results from your list,
either when you reach them
or when you are unable to take appropriate consistent actions
(we will be more specific later).
During this time, remember,
this is a creative process,
so don’t fall for form,
rule, or perfection.
Write things down so they have importance and meaning to you.
Whichever way you use it, it’s the “right” way.
The goal is that you have a plan
to evaluate in your quiet time ritual
and program it into your subconscious.
And remember to dream big.
Don’t be held back by realistic expectations.
Nonsense as well!
Let your imagination explore all possibilities.
Remember, you have the ability
to see things you have not yet created
and dream of things you have not yet achieved.
Use your abilities to do it!
Seeing the life and business of your dreams
is the first step to creating them.
Remember the words of Dr. Stephen R. Covey:
Everything is created twice.
And remember,
you don’t need to know all the things you need
to do to achieve your dream.
As you make strides and discover new things to do,
you can add them to the list.
But don’t get overwhelmed by the details.
Keep the big picture in mind.
Pick the lower fruits.
Make the process easy and above all keep it simple!
By this point, you’ve hit a major milestone in the process
and done what only a very small percentage of people do.
It’s about sketching out the perfect life you want
and the 1-2 things you need to consistently do to achieve it.
Most people don’t even know where they’re going,
let alone make a plan to get there.
They are boats drifting on the sea without focus,
direction or plan.
They are lost and the future is filled with doubt.
They never thought about what they were thinking.
But you are different, my friend.
By taking the time to seriously consider what you want,
who you want to be,
and what you want to contribute in your life and business,
and then map out exactly what you need to do to get there,
you have separated yourself from the majority.
You have taken an important step towards becoming a “master of destiny”
and a “command of the soul”.
You have taken control of your destination and how you go.
Of course, you have more work to do,
but you’ve taken the first pivotal step on your journey towards wealth,
and peace.
You’ve taken a giant step forward and show
the power of character and determination to create the life you deserve.
You have the right to live the life you wrote it down.
All you need to do now is take consistent steps towards achieving the goals
of your success plan.
In the next phase of this process,
you will learn how to program your success plan into subconscious memory.
Once it’s imprinted there,
you’ll never forget what you’re trying to do
and what you need to do to get there.
You’ll learn the ritual of quiet time,
which helps to subconsciously set your plans for success
and motivates you to commit emotionally to your dreams.
It will motivate you to take consistent actions to achieve your dreams.
“Everything you have in your life,
you have attracted to yourself
because of the way you think,
because of the person that you are.
You can change your life
because you can change the way you think.”— Brian Tracy
Review your plans for success and experience the thrills
of creating a superior life in the daily ritual of quiet time that
is a vital part of accomplishing your income and career goals.
In fact, if you don’t commit to a 15-minute quiet time ritual,
the eagerness you feel as you write down your plan
will only be a fleeting moment
of potential and never will.
Go beyond your imagination.
Although the first place you create your dreams is your imagination,
you certainly don’t want to leave them in that place.
You want to see that creativity manifest in your life and business.
And your daily 15-minute ritual of quiet time will provide the bridge between
that dream and reality.
Not only will you find strength and inspiration in these moments,
but you will also form an emotional bond
that binds you to your dreams all the while.
Your dreams will take on new importance,
and you will come to understand that they are destined to come true.
The time you spend thinking alone guides
and guides your daily actions,
to ensure that what you do is consistent with what you want.
When your thoughts, feelings,
and actions are in harmony,
the results will be certain.
More importantly,
by programming consistent actions into your subconscious (or box),
cognitive dissonance will cause you
to take those action steps every day.
Of course, with all the distractions that come from work,
bills and chores, it can be difficult to find 15 minutes a day
to devote to your dreams.
But you have to,
even if it’s very difficult.
Think of all the times you spent time with other people.
Surely you can find 15 minutes a day for yourself.
You’ll probably need to dig deep to get this done.
This is the basic process that requires you
to reprogram the entire contents of the box.
Fifteen minutes a day for yourself
and your dreams can change your life.
Fifteen minutes a day can strengthen will and energize
gives you the power to do what it takes to get what you want.
Fifteen minutes a day is what changes everything.
As Albert Einstein said,
“We cannot solve problems with the same thinking that created them.”
And the ritual of quiet time is a tool for you
to elevate your thinking to a higher level.
You won’t be able to escape the need to think alone
if you want to see the power of consistency manifest in your life and business.
You cannot reap the harvest without planting and tending the seed,
and that is the purpose of the quiet time ritual.
Most importantly, this is an issue that concerns you,
not your partner,
or trading partners.
It involves 15 minutes a day that belongs to you and only you,
15 minutes that will change your life and your entire destiny.
“Fate is not by chance, but by choice.
Fate is not something to wait for,
but something to achieve.”- William Jennings Bryan
The 15-minute quiet time ritual is how you choose your new destiny.
Did you initially struggle to get up 15 minutes earlier
or sleep 15 minutes later to perform your quiet time ritual?
Very possible.
But keep doing it, no matter what the initial struggles.
Make time for it whenever you can:
in the morning or at lunch,
before bed,
during breaks at work,
while waiting for the washing machine,
or even while waiting for a meeting.
Find time for it.
Otherwise, you won’t get the results you desire.
The ritual of quiet time is the missing link
to all the things you’ve always wanted.
It’s what you’ve been looking for 15 minutes a day
to create extraordinary wealth and success in your life and work.
Just a very cheap price, isn’t it?
I want to share with you the morning routine
that I use to program my thoughts,
and results.
This brief ritual of quiet time has completely changed everything in my life.
It was the foundation for the tremendous transformation
that pulled me out of the concrete and barbed-wire wall
of a cold cell into a life of wealth and success.
I usually get up early in the morning
to have some time to myself
before the hustle and bustle of life takes hold.
I entered the room
guests and light a fire (in my house,
it’s just flipping the switch on the wall
and the fire will go up in the fireplace.
It’s amazing!)
My house is located at an altitude of nearly 2,743 meters
in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado,
so all year round,
the mornings are quite cold
and the fire makes for a very warm
and inviting space to have some quiet time.
If you’re thinking,
“Oh yeah, you’re easy.
You have a cozy place by the fire
and the beautiful mountains!”,
remembering that for the first seven years,
I woke up every morning in a cold concrete chamber called my cell.
I will sit quietly on the steel bed,
surrounded by agony and harshness.
At that time, I had no fireplace and no mountains to look at.
But regardless of reality,
I still envision the life that awaits me beyond the prison walls.
I envision a rich and successful life in my new destiny.
I envision the life I will one day have with my son.
When the fire is lit, I will make coffee
and turn on the “Relax”
or “Meditation” channel on the satellite radio at very low volume.
I sat down in a chair by the fireplace
and turned on the soft light.
While sitting quietly in the chair,
enjoying the warmth of the fire and listening
to the soothing tunes,
I immersed myself in the moment.
I don’t regret the past or worry about the future,
but am completely focused on the present moment.
It is very easy for people to recall past disappointments
and hurts
or to resent the uncertain future.
We’ll have plenty of time for that later.
But now is a matter of now.
Even before I really know it,
this is my favorite time of day.
I wish it could last for hours.
But unfortunately,
at some point,
I will have to blend in with the world around me.
I sit still, at peace,
and take a few moments to remember my blessings.
Gratitude gives my day a good start
and puts me in a wonderful state of mind.
I think about the wonderful things I get out of life:
successful companies,
health, smart and dedicated staff,
freedom and the like.
Again, so you don’t think it’s easy for me to feel grateful,
I’ve spent years recounting my blessings in a lonely cell.
No matter how bad things get,
I always find a reason to feel grateful for life.
Remember, I’m not a Zen master.
You can ask anyone who knows me well
and they will tell you how sensitive
and impatient I am.
I don’t want to imply
that I’m wearing a robe, go
around with eyes closed
and hands open
to invoke the supreme beings in a surreal peaceful state.
My nature for 23 hours
and 45 minutes a day is no different from
what I am in the 15-minute quiet time ritual.
That’s why it’s so essential to me.
It keeps me balanced and gives me strength
and direction throughout the day.
It gives me sanity and peace.
So, although this form of quiet time ritual is not very familiar to me,
I have grown to love and look forward to it.
I also learned that it is a key step
to exceptional success in my life and business.
After feeling comfortable and counting on a few blessings,
I will pull out my plan of success.
At different times of the year,
this plan is written on a pad of paper,
on a computer,
or inside a favorite book.
It doesn’t matter where it is,
as long as it exists.
Then I review each consistent outcome
and act consistently.
After reading through each result a few times,
I closed my eyes and imagined what it would look like
when it came to fruition.
Remember that you have the ability
to close your eyes and visualize a scene long
before you actually create it in real life.
Use your ability to visualize it.
Let yourself see the shape of your dream no matter
what it looks like to you.
Here, there is no right or wrong,
only your visualization of it.
“You won’t see it and then believe it.
You only see it when you believe in it.”– Wayne Dyer
I remember, years ago,
when I revisited the phrase “I’m a great father to my son” in my cell,
I closed my eyes,
repeated that consistent result,
and pictured myself holding my son while holding my son.
Tell him I love and am proud of him.
Then I reviewed the consistent actions
I needed to take every day
to see if they were right for being a great dad.
My consistent actions at that time were
“I write to Hunter every week”
and “I always keep my word to my son”.
In the confinement scene,
those are actions consistent with being the great father I can be.
As you read each result,
imagine what they will bring to you,
such as the house you will live in,
the business you will grow,
a healthier and fitter body,
relationships with other people
or the income you earn.
Use your ability to visualize all of that.
Remember, everything is created twice.
As you read and visualize each outcome,
repeat the consistent actions written below them.
“When you begin moving toward excellence,
you will find very little competition.
You’re competing with only 20% of the population.”— Brian Tracy
Let your dream and the things you need to do
to achieve it seep into your subconscious.
Also, let yourself experience the emotions
as if these outcomes were happening.
Great things often happen here:
The emotions you build up during the quiet time ritual are just
as real as the emotions you feel
when you actually achieve your dream.
Many years ago,
when alone reviewing my success plan in my cell,
I imagined my feelings as a great father to my son.
Last August, I took my son to college.
When it was time to go home,
I hugged him and said I was so proud of him.
My son says he’s also very proud of me.
When we hugged each other in front of his dorm,
I enjoyed the moment,
because it was exactly the same as before.
That moment evoked the same emotions
I imagined years ago sitting in a cold cell.
Imaginary images are a powerful resource for nurturing your emotions.
When you review your personal success plan,
you are actually producing a new thought process,
essentially putting new beliefs in your box.
Eventually, you will let go of these thoughts
and beliefs as you take action.
An equally important process also occurs
at the same time as the above.
Remember how we create memories.
An event happens and is anchored to a certain emotion.
When you experience the emotions of reaching your dreams,
you are attaching strong emotions to those thoughts.
Therefore, you are creating a memory in your subconscious mind.
It will always lurk beneath the surface
of your subconscious mind
and profoundly affect your work and income-related actions.
It will have a profound impact on whether
or not you’ll remember you’re on a diet.
It will profoundly impact your making 6 calls a day to advance your career.
These small consistent actions will have a dramatic effect on the results
in your life and business.
So let yourself experience the emotions of reaching your dreams
as you picture each outcome in your mind.
Enjoy it.
Feel it.
In doing so, you will attach intense emotions
to achieving your dreams
and create powerful memories deep in your subconscious.
They will guide your actions in the next step.
You won’t forget your dreams
and the work you need to do to achieve them,
despite the daily distractions of responsibilities.
You are establishing a route from
where you are now to where you want
to end up in your subconscious mind and making it “second instinct”.
Just like your trip home from the office,
you’ll get there regardless of the distractions in life.
“Every single life only becomes great
when the individual sets upon a goal
or goals which they really believe in,
which they can really commit themselves to,
which they can put their whole heart and soul into.”— Brian Tracy
No matter what’s going on in your conscious mind,
your subconscious will
still focus on getting you where you deserve to be.
Normally, if you always focus on achieving a certain result,
you will eventually achieve it.
But day-to-day distractions often block your consciousness
from thinking about success.
This is why programming your purpose into your subconscious mind
never gets distracted or lost.
You are setting anchors in your mind that naturally
lead you to take consistent action steps.
Besides, you will find yourself empowered
to take the consistent actions needed to achieve your dreams.
Whatever the actions are,
this guide will ensure that you are completing them,
and that will certainly lead
to the results you desire in life and work.
In the next chapter,
you’ll find that failing to take one
of these programmed steps causes tremendous inner anxiety,
or cognitive dissonance.
This is what drives you to new levels of consistency and performance.
You will also notice how creating a successful plan
and putting it in your (subconscious) box works out to great results.
Almost all rich people are professional great promotion.
They can and are willing to promote their products or services,
including fresh ideas,
with uncanny passion and enthusiasm.
Moreover, they know how to present their values in a clever
and attractive way. – T. Harv Eker