You can! Nothing is impossible!
Chapter 9: Honesty
There is one quality that cannot be replaced
because it has the ability to move people’s hearts more than
all other precious qualities,
and that is sincerity.
Sincerity begins with each person
and is a precious quality capable of manifesting itself most clearly that anyone can see.
First of all, be honest with yourself,
with family
and relatives,
with colleagues and partners,
with friends and acquaintances,
and of course with the country.
And above all,
be honest with the creator of mankind. — Napoleon Hill
A cheerful personality is not an external adornment.
You can only have that character
if you have an attitude of respect for others.
If you are determined to build such a personality,
you will not lose yourself,
but on the contrary will assert yourself,
assert your successful “me”
– the type of person you aim for. — Napoleon Hill
Sincerity is a virtue
that is more capable of building positive relationships
than any other.
Sincerity always comes from within each person
and manifests in the most natural way.
Just like a magnet can attract iron,
sincere people always attract others
by the feeling of elation radiating from them.
Not only that,
sincerity also brings a sense of peace
and creates prestige for people.
Always deliver more than expected.
It is an important factor contributing to creating valuable opportunities
for people to do great things.
Sincerity is always more valuable than material possessions.
People will sympathize
and forgive you if you lack competence and knowledge.
But when you lie,
you will have to suffer unpredictable consequences.
Therefore, always show your sincerity in all circumstances.
Your life will become smoother
and easier if you always live honestly.
Be sincere with your family,
and partners.
But above all,
learn to be true to yourself.
If you do not do this,
you will never convince others to believe in you.
When you confidently look the other person in the eye
and convey your faith,
you will gain their trust and support.
Instead of tormenting yourself for past failures,
live your life to the present with all your sincerity.
The melody of sincerity always has the ability to move people’s hearts.
It will help you to stand firm against all the challenges of life
and achieve the success you desire.
People will not create anything
if they do not first have an idea,
a breakthrough thinking. — Napoleon Hill