Tony Robbins! waken the extraordinary person in you!

Part 4: Lessons About Luck Chapter 26: The Ultimate Challenge: Where Can Human Strength Go “A small spark ignites a formidable fire.”- Dante Too many people feel helpless and meaningless in the face of social problems and world events, because they think that even if they do everything right in their personal lives, the Their […]
Tony Robbins! waken the extraordinary person in you! Rest And Leisure! Even God Thinks One Day!

Chapter 25: Rest And Leisure – Even God Thinks One Day! Day seventh * Your target: Reach the average. You worked hard and you worked hard. Take a day to entertain! Take it easy, get excited, do something that gets you out of yourself. What excites you the most? “A sage is one who does […]
Tony Robbins! waken the extraordinary person in you! Mastering Your Time and Life

Chapter 24: Mastering Your Time and Life Day Six * Your target: Learn how to use your time to your advantage instead of letting time control the level your satisfaction and stress. If ever you feel stressed, Who doesn’t? The most likely reason is just because you feel like you don’t have enough time to […]
Tony Robbins! waken the extraordinary person in you! Being Honest! Your Code of Conduct

Chapter 23: Being Honest – Your Code of Conduct Day five “Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.”— Napoleon Hill * Your target: Can we have great values, great rules to defend them, ask the right questions for ourselves, but not live our values in reality? If you’re honest with yourself, you know […]
Tony Robbins! waken the extraordinary person in you! Financial Destiny! The Simple Way to Make Wealth

Chapter 22: Financial Destiny – The Simple Way to Make Wealth Fouth day * Your target: Take control of your financial future by Learn the basics of wealth creation. Money! It is one of the most emotional issues in one’s life. Many people are willing to give up much more valuable things to get more […]
Tony Robbins! waken the extraordinary person in you! Fate of Relationships! A Place to Share and Care

Chapter 21: Fate of Relationships – A Place to Share and Care The third day * Your target: Dramatically increase the quality of your personal relationships and deepen your emotional relationships with those you love most by reviewing the six fundamentals of relationship success. Our success is meaningless without someone to share it with. Indeed, […]
Tony Robbins! waken the extraordinary person in you! Fate of the Body! Prison of Sorrow or Palace of Happiness

Chapter 20: Fate of the Body – Prison of Sorrow or Palace of Happiness Second day * Your target: Just as you have learned to train your nervous system to create attitudes that will bring you the desired results, the destiny of your body upon which your experience rests depends on how you practice your […]
Tony Robbins! waken the extraordinary person in you! Emotional Fate The Only True Success

Part Three: Seven Days To orient your destiny Chapter 19: Emotional Late – The Only True Success Day one * Your target. Take control of your regular emotions and begin to consciously and decisively shape your daily life experiences. No success is truly success without emotional success. However, out of the three thousand emotions we […]
Tony Robbins! waken the extraordinary person in you! Personality The Secret to Growth

Chapter 18: Personality – The Secret to Growth “Nothing great is done without great men; and people are great if they are determined to be great.” – Charles De Gaule No marks were found on his body. The Japanese kept him in a cramped room for 24 hours, but they never beat or tortured him. […]
Tony Robbins! waken the extraordinary person in you! Lessons From Experience: The Thread Weaving Life

Chapter 17: Lessons From Experience: The Thread Weaving Life “The human mind once opened to a new idea will never shrink back to its former stature.”-Oliver Wendell Holmes Lessons of experience What are the lessons of experience? It’s every experience in your life, all the things you’ve seen, heard, touched, tasted and smelled. They are […]