Part 4: Lessons About Luck
Chapter 26: The Ultimate Challenge: Where Can Human Strength Go
“A small spark ignites a formidable fire.”- Dante
Too many people feel helpless and meaningless in the face of social problems
and world events, because they think
that even if they do everything right in their personal lives,
the Their safety still depends on the actions of others.
They feel fear from the proliferation of gangs and violent criminals,
bewilderment at the complete incompetence of the government,
grief over homelessness and illiteracy,
and anxiety over the heat of the world growth of the earth
as well as because of the risk of many species becoming extinct on our planet.
Those are pessimistic people.
“Even if I live my personal and family life well,
what’s the point?
It only takes one crazy authority to push a button
and the whole world will be destroyed!”.
This type of belief system creates a feeling of powerlessness
that can’t be controlled and changed to any significant degree
and of course leads to a state of hopelessness typified by the saying,
“Then do your best. what?”.
Nothing cripples a person’s ability
to act more than this hopeless state.
It is the number one obstacle that prevents us
from changing our lives
or taking action to help others change their lives.
From the beginning of the book to the present,
we have repeatedly affirmed this message:
We now have the power
to control the way we think, feel, and do.
It is the decisions and daily actions of each of us
that will really make a difference,
if each of us individually takes responsibility.
In order to make comprehensive
and far-reaching changes in our individual lives
and in the collective destiny of the world,
we need a determination to continually improve our lives
as individuals and the world.
“Whatever you are, be a good one.”— Abraham Lincoln
The ultimate solution
In your opinion, on a national and global level,
what is the common factor in all the problems we face today?
From the rapidly growing number of homeless people to high crime rates,
severe budget deficits and ecological degradation,
the answer is human attitudes,
is the cause of every problem and every problem.
So the solution to every problem is to change our attitude.
This requires us to change the way we evaluate or make decisions.
A global example of the long-term consequences of decisions is that hunger
and food shortages are now claiming the lives of millions of people around the world.
The World Health Organization has proven
that the earth is capable of feeding people,
yet every day 40,000 children starve to death.
Why? Obviously we have enough resources,
but something is terribly wrong,
not only in the way our food is distributed,
but also in the way we use our resources.
What conclusions can we draw from this?
The good news is that once we realize that
the root of all problems lies in people’s attitudes and decisions,
we know that it is we who can change the status.
“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born
and the day you find out why.”— Mark Twain
We know that the only thing we have absolute control over is our inner world
it is we who determine the meaning of things.
With our actions, we communicate our deepest values and beliefs,
and through the pervasive influence of the mass media,
even our simplest actions have an impact,
and shake people of all nations.
You might ask,
“What can one person do to really transform the world?”
Almost everything!
The only thing that can limit your influence
is your imagination and determination.
World history is a testimony to what happened
as a result of the actions of a small number of ordinary
but highly determined people to transform the world.
These are individuals who have done small things
but done them in an extraordinary way.
They decided that something needed to be changed,
that they had to be the ones to do this and that they could do it.
So they put all their energy into doing it
and persisted until they found a way to get their job done.
These people we call heroes.
We all have the innate ability to be heroes,
to do daring, courageous acts and noble gestures
to make life better for others,
even if it requires immediate action.
Ask for the sacrifice of your own suffering.
The ability to do the right behavior,
to take a stance and to dare to change is already within you.
The question is:
When the time comes,
will you remember to be a hero
and respond selflessly to uplift those in need?
Many people admire Mother Teresa
and think that she was born already a hero.
They consider her to be a transcendent spiritual woman
and a person of extraordinary nature in her selfless determination
and dedication to the poor.
She was clearly a woman of courage and deep empathy,
but Mother Teresa also had her critical moments
to define her role as one of the greatest contributors of our time.
Mother Teresa did not begin her life with the work of helping the poor.
Indeed, she spent 20 years educating the children
of the wealthiest families in Calcutta,
Every day she passed
through the slums surrounding the affluent neighborhood
of the city in which she worked,
but she never thought of going beyond her small existing influence.
“Build your own dreams,
or someone else will hire you to build theirs.”— Farrah Gray
One night, while she was walking down the street,
she heard a woman’s cry for help.
It was the moment this woman died in her arms
that changed Mother Teresa’s life forever.
Realizing the critical condition of the woman calling for help,
Mother rushed her to the hospital.
The hospital staff told her to wait.
I knew that this woman would die without emergency treatment,
so I had to take her to another hospital.
Here too, they told her to wait;
The woman’s low social status made her less important than other patients.
Finally, Mother Teresa’s disappointment brought her home.
That very night, she died peacefully in the loving arms of Mother Teresa.
The “decisive moment” in Mother Teresa’s life had struck:
it was the moment she decided to herself that,
within her power,
she would no longer let this scene happen to anyone else.
From that moment on,
she decided to dedicate her life
to alleviating the suffering around her
and whether they lived or died,
they would live or die with human dignity.
I will personally do everything
I can to let these people be treated more kindly than before,
with the love and respect that everyone is entitled to.
The challenge of homelessness
We are aware that in each of us
there is a spark of heroic virtue waiting
to be fanned to ignite,
so how do we deal with such a huge social problem as this?
Is homelessness happening around the world?
The first key to changing this situation is
that we ourselves must rise to a higher standard.
We must decide that we cannot accept
that so many people, men and women,
children and elderly alike,
are thrown into the streets as the scum of society.
“Don’t wish it were easier.
Wish you were better.”— Jim Rohn
The United States is one of the richest countries in the world,
yet the proportion of the homeless population is not small.
The census cannot give an exact figure on
how many people are homeless,
because in reality, the nature of homelessness is
that the people involved do not have an address.
It is estimated that in the United States
there are at least 3 million homeless people,
or about 1% of the homeless,
who live on the streets or in shacks.
The second key to dealing with this problem is to change our beliefs.
We must give up the belief that these are age-old problems
that individuals can’t do anything about even if they wanted to.
This attitude of forcefulness must be broken
by accepting the belief that we as individuals can make change,
and that in fact every major innovation movement
is carried out by individuals with good intentions.
Another belief we have to change
is the belief that the reason homeless people live in such situations is
because they are all “mentally disturbed”.
“If you really want to do something,
you’ll find a way.
If you don’t,
you’ll find an excuse.”— Jim Rohn
Statistics show that only between 16 and 22 percent of homeless people
have some form of mental illness.
So what is the main cause of homelessness?
In addition to the aforementioned psychiatric causes,
commonly cited reasons include rising housing prices while incomes fall,
alcohol or drug addiction, and broken family life.
All of the above reasons are valid.
But behind all those reasons are belief systems.
After all, there are countless people
who have experienced the ravages of alcohol
and drugs, have lost their homes,
or are unable to make enough money to pay rent
and never enjoy a stable family life.
yet they never become homeless.
Where is the difference?
It’s all about the beliefs,
basic values and personality of each person.
Many people living on the streets may consider themselves “homeless”,
but others find themselves only “temporarily homeless”.
So they try to find a solution
and will find a way out to return to the traditional way of life.
To create lasting transformation for an individual homeless person,
a change in the person’s personality is required.
This is the only way to make a lasting change in their attitudes.
The challenge of violent gangs
While adult delinquency is a pressing issue,
we also need to deal with juvenile crime.
What do we think about murders?
Unreasonable people take place every day
in the cities due to gangs of teenagers?
The ferocious nature of two gangs that originated in Los Angeles
and then spread throughout the United States,
the Crisps and the Bloods,
have claimed so many lives in the city
that most of us are shocked and alarmed.
Not sure how to deal with this problem.
However, I think one of the first things we have
to do is get these gangs to rethink their principles of action.
Remember, all of our actions are rooted in core beliefs
about what we must and must not do.
Recently I read an excerpt from a book
about the daily life of criminal gangs.
This is a passage about a re-education class.
When practitioners (members of the criminal gang)
were asked why they were able to kill a person,
they rattled off 37 reasons
including the following that startled me:
If anyone look at me jokingly,
if anyone asks me where I am,
ask me for a dime,
if someone walks around funny,
if someone touches the piece of cake
I’m holding, if someone cuts my hair badly.
With such false principles
that almost no one else in society accepts,
it is no wonder that these teenagers are light-hearted people.
They have more reasons to kill than anyone else
and so they act according to their principles.
What excites me, however,
is that the prison staff understood the power of questions
to undermine even the strongest beliefs.
He asked,
“Which of these reasons would you like to die for?”
In other words, if you knew that
because you killed someone with a bad haircut you also died,
would you still kill that person?
Using this question,
he made them re-evaluate their principles
and rethink the importance of
what they had previously considered worth killing.
By the time he finished the process of asking these questions,
the young prisoners had radically changed their fundamentals.
Through the method of asking and answering questions,
this “Class” has convinced many delinquent children to change their lifestyle.
It undermines their previously harmful beliefs
until they are no longer sure of them.
We should remember
that all attitudes can be changed by changing beliefs,
values, principles, and personalities.
Challenges to our environment
Environmental issues today have become the concern
of all countries and of mankind in general.
After four consecutive years of the hottest weather ever,
people have become extremely concerned about global warming,
a phenomenon caused by excess carbon dioxide being absorbed
by the stratosphere.
causing an increase in temperature.
What are the main causes?
One cause is fluorocarbons found in air conditioners and aerosols.
Another source of global warming is deforestation.
Forests make up an astonishing 80% of the earth’s trees
and are essential to our ecosystems.
Trees absorb the toxic gases of the excess carbon dioxide
we release into the atmosphere,
and then convert it into oxygen for us to breathe.
Trees revitalize the earth:
without trees,
life on earth could not exist as we see it today.
Forest trees also provide an environment
for the world’s myriad species of animals and insects.
When we burn forests,
we not only destroy oxygen-producing trees
and the habitats of animals and plants,
but we also release a huge amount of carbon dioxide into the air
and rapidly increase the effectiveness of the hazard danger of global warming.
Do you want to stop deforestation?
Do you want to help rebalance our ecosystem?
Aside from making a financial contribution
to environmental organizations like Greenpeace,
the most powerful thing you can do is realize
that indiscriminate use of our planet will make us miserable.
The boycott of tuna meat has worked well in the industry,
it also works in the environment.
“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”— Confucius
This is not about money.
The earth itself is in danger of being destroyed.
Another big problem we worry about is world hunger.
With 60 million people starving to death each year around the world,
it’s clearly time for us to rethink the way we use our resources.
Remember that every decision has consequences
and if we don’t understand the long-term effects on our planet,
we will make the wrong decisions.
Every day 40,000 children starve to death,
but we can obviously feed them
if we know how to use resources more efficiently.
Obviously we still have political challenges of distribution,
but there is certainly no shortage of food.
After all, one of the resources we are destroying is the topsoil.
It took 500 years to create 3 centimeters of fertile soil,
but now we lose 3 centimeters every 16 years.
Without fertile soil,
food production would be lost and our lives would be lost.
If you take a stand,
you will not only stop participating in environmental destruction,
but you will also influence the conduct
of environmentally damaging businesses.
Educate your children,
guide by bright mirror
Like with other challenges,
our environmental problems require education
and action to create change.
“Life isn’t about finding yourself.
Life is about creating yourself.”— George Bernard Shaw
Unfortunately many people think that education
is the business of the school
and when they graduate,
even before they graduate,
they don’t need to study anymore!
So what can we do to make a change?
We can play an active role in determining the quality
of our children’s education.
But most importantly,
we must educate our children about the consequences of their actions.
We must make them aware
of their influence on the individual and collective levels.
Never let them fall into the mindset
that their actions have no consequences.
On the contrary,
as we have learned in this book,
every decision and action we make,
no matter how small,
leads to far-reaching consequences.
“Nothing will work unless you do.”— Maya Angelou
And prove it to them by your shining example.
Dedication years ago,
I decided to see giving not as an obligation,
but as an opportunity to give back what we have received.
When I was 11 years old,
my family couldn’t afford a Thanksgiving party
and a charity brought us that meal.
Since then, helping the poor
and homeless has become a mission
I dedicate my life to.
Since the age of 18,
every year on Thanksgiving,
I prepare food baskets to give to needy families.
From that same year,
I joined the Chino prison support organization for the first time.
Through serving the community,
I became a philanthropist,
someone who truly wanted to make a difference,
someone who was passionate about giving.
This makes me more proud,
enriches my personality and also empowers me to give more to others.
It also helps me encourage others to do the same.
“Only those who learn the power of
sincere dedication and selfless new experience
the deepest joy: the fullness of one’s life”. — Anthony Robbins
If a simple nun like Mother Teresa of Calcutta, simple,
poor with nothing but her faith and devotion,
could benefit so many poor people,
then surely You and I can both face the challenges we face every day.
If Ed Roberts could endure the agony of polio
and have to breathe on his machine
to wake up fresh every morning
and figure out how to change the nation’s attitude towards the disabled,
and he succeeded – then you and I can be heroes too.
“Don’t count the days, make the days count.”— Muhammad Ali
Many times we don’t know where things will lead us,
but let’s just trust our intuition and give all our hearts:
we will be amazed at the miracles that will happen. happen.
If you are determined to dedicate an hour
or two a month to giving to others,
it will enrich your personality
and you will definitely become the “kind of person”
who really cares, takes action. to create change.
You will no longer have any problems in your work,
because you have already seen
what the real problems are.
The sadness you thought you’d feel at the loss
of your business today will vanish
when you reach out to help a crippled person to bed,
or when you hold a child with AIDS in your arms. your.
“One day, after we’ve mastered
get storms, waves, tides and gravity,
we will equip the Creator with energies
of love.
At that time,
for the second time in the history of the world,
man discovered fire again.-Telhard De Chardin