You can! Nothing is impossible!
Chapter 44: Vision
Vision is the art of seeing what others do not see. — Jonathan Swift
There are two important things
and perhaps more important than any other factors
– helping to expand
and develop creative vision.
One is goodwill work
– must be very goodwill sincere.
The second is the specific motive
and must be a powerful motivation
to bring that goodwill further
than the original purpose. — Napoleon Hill
The vision helps us to see things like that we want,
not like a real picture.
The Old Testament said:
“Without vision, people will die.”
I admit that historical research is important,
but the comparison of the future vision
and past history of Thomas Jefferson has made me believe
that where we will come more importantly
where we have passed. — Don M. Green
Creative vision is a vision that surpasses common physical values.
It looked at the past to predict the future
but never stopped in the past.
If the imagination is influenced
and controlled by reason and experience,
the creative vision separates these things.
It is aimed at goals
with new ideas and new ways.
The imagination may exist limitations and defects
but the creative vision surpasses all
that to pursue its ultimate goal.
While the imagination exists in the human brain,
the creative vision exists in the spirit of the universe
and is manifested through the human brain.
Creative vision will help you throughout
what is happening in your imagination.
Although the same origin is the operation of the brain,
the creative vision is different from the imagination.
If the imagination acts
as a data collection machine,
the creative vision will transfer those data to the brain center
to design the most effective strategies and plans.
People with creative vision are always more prominent than others.
This is the factor that makes the difference
between genius and ordinary people.
Genius often uses creative vision
and ordinary people use imagination.
Although the imagination also has power
and brings unexpected effects,
it certainly cannot work as creative vision.
Use your eyes to observe.
And when you see something good,
engrave in your mind.
Each person has a different perspective for the same incident.
The boy James Watt saw the potential strength
in the airflow out of his mother’s water.
And Benjamin Franklin suddenly saw the use of the tail of a kite.
The inheritance generations
of those great people also have similar
but different perspectives,
to improve and promote the development of human civilization
to accelerate timeless.
Creative vision helps people rise
to control their lives and dominate those around them.
Without creative vision,
you will limit your life
and must always depend on others.
Creative vision is a combination of optimistic spirit
and smooth eyes.
Even the most humble people can have great vision.
The foundation of creative vision is the idea.
Therefore, focus on all your ideas.
Your vision is far or close depending on you.
The more you desire and your efforts,
the further your vision.
With your creative vision,
you will have more strength to get the job done in the best way.
Men are rich only as they give.
He who gives great service gets great rewards. — Elbert Hubbard