12 Great Selling Skills
Chapter 1: The Psychology of Sales
Passion is a lever that helps people fight against fate.
It is the gift of encouragement that God has given us
to make our goals great
and achievements even greater. – Donald G. Mitchell
Why are some salespeople more successful than others?
Years ago, when I started my sales career,
I struggled for months,
barely earning enough to survive
while all around me other salespeople were selling more than me,
and of course,
earn more than me
even though they don’t seem to be any smarter
or work harder than me.
My first breakthrough in life was discovering the 80/20 rule.
This rule says that 20%
of the sales people completed 80% of the deals
and made 80% of the money made
by all the sellers in each field.
This means that the average income of those in the top 20%
is 16 times higher than the average income of
the remaining 80% of sales people.
When I first heard this number,
I felt both excited and a little depressed.
The feeling of depression
that comes from the fact that
I have never done anything well in my life,
how dare I dream of being in the top 20%!
I failed at school,
I failed at manual jobs,
and often slept on the floor with all I had,
in a backpack that
I often carried with me.
The idea of being in the top 20 is really exciting but also stressful.
I simply couldn’t believe it was possible for me.
Then I learned a new fact:
All the people in the top 20% start,
also from the top 20,
but the top 20% of the people at the bottom of that list.
Everyone who is doing great right now has failed at least once.
Everyone who has come very far from the starting line
of life has started before this line.
As T. Harv Eker said:
“Who is wise is not foolish once.”
I immediately decided that
I would be in the top 20%.
Then I learned that making a decision,
whatever type of decision,
and then taking action to implement that decision,
is often a turning point in your life.
If you don’t decide you’re going to be in the top 20%,
it simply won’t happen.
You won’t be able to rise
to the top 20% of your field by luck or chance alone.
People who rise
to the top in any field get here
after they make a decision,
and then are determined
to carry out their intentions by working hard,
day in and day out by year after year,
until you make it happen.
In his book Outliers,
Malcolm Gladwell reports the results of a study,
that it will take you about seven years
and/or 10,000 hours of dedication
and hard work to get to the position leader in its field.
This isn’t simply going to work
and going home every day for seven years.
It means you put your heart
and soul into becoming better and better,
like a runner competing in a major tournament,
and you put your mind and heart into it,
to develop personal skills.
In his study of “deliberate practice”,
Anders Ericsson of the University of Florira concluded that those
who reached the top had worked hard
for 10 years to be able to do so achieve “top performance”.
When I share this metric
with my audience,
it’s common for many of the salespeople present to start whining.
They said, “But I’m 30 now,
and you said it would take me seven to 10 years to get
to the top of my field.
I need to wait another seven to 10 years.”
It’s the truth.
But then I asked,
“If not, how old will you be in seven to 10 years?”
The reality is that no matter what,
time will pass.
Seven years from today you will be seven years older.
The only question here is whether you will reach the top
and earn the highest income among the people in your field.
And it’s purely a matter of personal choice.
you can learn any skill you need to learn
to achieve any goal you set for yourself.
All sales skills can be learned.
Everyone who is good at a particular skill
today was once not very good at that skill.
Many of the best salespeople
I know were terrible at the beginning,
and it seems like there are very few.
chance of success.
Today, however,
they are some of the most confident,
and highest-earning people in our society.
And what they did,
you can do too.
“Success is not the result of making money,
money is the result of success.” – Grant Cardone
Confidence and self-respect
Just as 20% of salespeople make 80% of the sales
and make 80% of the money,
the 80/20 rule applies to individuals in a different way.
Accordingly, 80% of success depends on mental and emotional,
not on technical or material.
The most important determinant of success in selling in any industry,
in any economy,
in any market,
with any product/service,
is confidence.
When you have an unshakable belief in yourself
and in your ability to succeed,
nothing can stop you,
just like the force of nature.
The more confident you are,
the greater the goals you set for yourself
and the faster you will push objections
or disagreements out of your life,
so the time that you need to achieve
those goals will also be shortened.
I also discovered another fact,
that confidence is determined by self-esteem.
Your self-esteem can be simply defined
by how much you value yourself.
The more you value yourself,
the more confident you will be
and the more you will appreciate the people around you,
including your customers.
The more you value your customers,
the more they will value you,
and the more willing they will be
to buy your products/services
and refer you to their friends.
Another aspect of self-esteem is called “self-control”.
Self-control is defined as the ability to control
and perform a certain behavior by yourself.
The more you value yourself,
the better you do your job.
The better you do your job,
the more you will value yourself.
One hand will support the other.
Self-esteem and self-control support
and strengthen each other.
Psychology asserts that everything
you do in life affects your self-esteem in some way.
Almost everything you do is aimed
at strengthening your self-esteem
or protecting it from being undermined
by other people or circumstances.
Self-esteem determines your level of optimism,
self-esteem and pride in yourself.
Everything you do to strengthen your self-esteem
will also strengthen your self-confidence.
When you really appreciate
or love yourself,
see yourself as an important
and valuable person,
you will become more positive and happy
and absolutely not hesitate
to go to meet customers,
and invite them to buy your product/service.
“Let the rest do whatever while you do whatever it takes.” – Grant Cardone
Seven steps to mental fitness
Self-esteem is your own level of mental fitness.
Mental health can be compared to physical health.
Just as your body will become harmonious
if you work hard and exercise,
your mind will also become healthier
if you work hard in different ways.
To develop confidence and self-esteem in selling,
you must learn to think
and act like the most successful
and active salespeople
until your confidence level is so high
that no one can stop you,
you can go further.
People with high self-esteem can sell well in any market.
People with low self-esteem cannot sell even in the best markets.
Self-esteem is the key.
There are seven steps to getting mentally fit in sales
and improving the way you think,
feel about yourself,
and your potential.
To become one of the most successful salespeople,
you need to:
Have ambition
“Small thinking has and always will be punished in one way or another.” – Grant Cardone
Dedication in work
Prepare carefully before every meeting with customers
Continuously learning
By consistently implementing these principles,
you will eventually reach the status of a sales champion.
The most successful salespeople are ambitious.
They have a strong desire
– the desire to succeed in sales.
This is possibly the most important of all the qualities
that can lead to success in sales,
or in any other field.
After 22 years of studying the most successful people in America,
Napoleon Hill has concluded that “burning desire”
is the starting point of all success
and all rich people.
This has never changed in history.
My friend Les Brown said,
“If you want to be successful,
you need to be hungry!”
If you are ambitious
and determined enough
to achieve your goals and be successful,
nothing can stop you.
To be successful in sales,
your ambition must be
Incubated by the enormous amount of setbacks
and rejections you will experience in meeting new customers,
making sales pitch,
and inviting them to buy your product/service.
Ambition is the fuel that
drives the furnaces of achievement.
The more ambition and drive you have,
the faster your drive to achieve your goals will run.
The more ambitious you are,
the quicker you will get rid of the feeling of disappointment.
The more ambitious you are,
the more strength you have to be able
to continue on your path
until you reach your goals.
Determined to be the best.
Because of their ambition,
top salespeople are determined
to be the best in their field.
As it happened,
selling is the “default job”.
This means that no one grows up
with a serious plan
to become a salesperson.
Rather, it is something they step into
when they have no other choice
or when nothing else works for them,
they start selling.
80% of people who start sales see it
as a temporary job.
They are constantly looking to see
if there is something else to do.
As a result,
they never put their
whole heart into selling.
They never became an expert in sales,
and never had great success.
They stagnate most of the time doing their business.
But the people at the top are different.
They get into business often by accident,
then at a certain point something amazing happens in their lives.
Light came in.
They look around their sales spectrum
and see that by being a good salesperson,
they can achieve all the goals they have set for themselves.
If they become the best at what they do,
they can make more money than professionals trained
for many years in college.
At this point,
the auxiliary fuel tank in the movement is activated.
They decide to be the best salespeople.
They put their whole heart into learning,
listening and attending training courses.
Every time they learn and apply a new idea,
their business results immediately improve.
This energizes their ambition
while strengthening their determination
to achieve success.
This is one of the great discoveries:
Only by committing to excellence can you excel
and succeed in your field.
Failure to commit means you accept being a mediocre person.
Being excellent
or elite in one’s field is the result
of many years of hard work
and effort to improve oneself.
Just as the average athlete needs to train
for seven to 10 years to be able to compete in the Olympics,
the average salesman wants to rise to the top of the field.
It also requires seven to 10 years of hard work.
Earl Nightingale once wrote,
“Happiness is the progressive realization of appropriate goals and ideas.”
When you commit to excellence,
to be at the top of your field,
and to work hard to improve yourself every day,
you’ll start to see results almost immediately.
Your level of ambition and determination
to be the best in your field is a stimulant
that helps your potential to explode over time.
“If you hang out with people who are broke and in debt,
you’ll be broke and in debt.” – Grant Cardone
They are constantly confronting the fears
that hold most people behind.
If ambition is the driving force of success,
then courage is a way to unleash ambition because fear
is the biggest obstacle preventing you
from succeeding.
When I first started studying the psychology
of high performers,
I was surprised to discover
that the fear of failure,
not failure itself,
was the biggest obstacle
to preventing failure
and prevent success
and happiness in the lives of adults.
Everyone fails from time to time
and it is the thought
or fear of failure that paralyzes everyone’s ability
to do their best work and be productive.
The fear of failure, in any form,
even in your imagination,
will hold you back from your potential.
It prevents you from taking action.
The fear of failure causes you to procrastinate, delay,
and avoid any situation
where you feel you won’t succeed,
especially business situations.
Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote about an experience that changed his life.
When he was a 10-year-old boy living in Concord,
on the way,
he was hit by a piece of paper in his leg,
which said:
“If you want to be successful in the future,
make a habit of doing what you fear.
If you do the things you fear,
the fear will disappear.”
His life has completely changed since that time.
And so will your life change as soon as
you get into the habit of doing the things you fear,
until the fear disappears.
Glenn Ford once wrote,
“If you don’t do the things you’re afraid to do,
fear will take over your life.”
The reality is that you can’t succeed
without failure.
The most successful people fail more
than the average person or the unsuccessful.
The most successful people don’t like to fail,
but they realize that they won’t be able
to achieve their goals
if they’re not willing to fail again
and again along the way.
Just as you will become the person you think about all the time,
you will become the person you talk about all the time.
There are six magic words that you can repeat,
over and over again,
to build your confidence
and reduce your fear of the future:
“I can do it!
I can do it!
I can do it!”
Whenever you feel shy about going ahead
and doing something that scares you,
neutralize that feeling and take action
by affirmatively repeating the six magic words mentioned above,
that “I can do it!”
Conquer the fear of rejection.
The second major fear that can destroy your success,
especially in sales,
is the fear of rejection.
This fear comes from experiences
from when you were very young,
when we were constantly criticized
and we were victims of “conditional love” from our parents.
All the emotional problems in adult life stem
from the “love rejection” we received as children.
If you were raised in an environment
without support and encouragement,
you may enter adulthood
with terrible feelings of insecurity
or even extreme sensitivity,
for example as you are always negatively affected
by the thoughts,
opinions and attitudes of others,
whether it is real or just a fantasy.
In sales, the fear of rejection
is something like a feeling of “unwillingness
to meet customers,”
and it is the biggest obstacle
to success in business.
You won’t be able to reach your full potential
as a sales professional
without overcoming your fear of rejection.
Luckily, you can change this.
You can reprogram yourself
so that instead of fearing rejection,
you actually wait for it.
You can barely wait to wake up
and receive rejection every morning.
When I started my sales career,
knocking on doors,
I was always looking for ways
to avoid the risk of being rejected
at the first knock on a working day.
Then I learned something that changed my sales career:
Rejection is not personal at all.
You’re probably thinking,
“What, you mean when someone turns down my offer,
it has nothing to do with me.
Is it purely an objective response
to an offer in a competitive society?”
Yes, that’s the truth!
When you go to a few new clients
and they react negatively,
it has nothing to do with your self-worth.
The potential customer you’re dealing
with doesn’t even know
who you are and has nothing to do with you.
The denial is completely objective,
and not directed at you.
As soon as I learned this,
my sales performance improved dramatically.
I can wake up every morning and say to myself,
“I will face a lot of rejection today.
But I’ll use every rejection
as a motivator to push harder.
Every time I get rejected,
I will become more positive
and assertive,
ready to interact with more potential customers than before!”
Right after that,
I always wait for the first rejection.
I had preprogrammed my subconscious mind to react
with positive
and life-loving feelings
as soon as I was rejected.
Sometimes I can actually laugh out loud
at the first rejection of the day,
feeling that nothing can stop me.
“Only invest in income producing assets.” – Grant Cardone
The most successful people in all fields,
including and especially sales,
are committed to putting their
whole heart into the work they do.
They put their whole heart into their work
and constantly strive to do better
and better at their work.
There’s a direct relationship
between how much you believe in goodness,
the importance of what you’re doing,
and how persuasive your offering is to others.
For starters,
the best salespeople believe in their company.
They believe their companies are excellent organizations
and they are proud to work in them.
The best salespeople believe in their product/service.
They believe that the product/service
they provide is the best product/service on the market.
They believe that the product/service
they provide can really help people improve their lives and work.
They believe in the products/services
they offer so much
that they use them for themselves whenever possible,
excitedly sell them to their family
and friends,
and speak well of them in every life discuss.
They believe in their customers
and want to help them.
The best salespeople see themselves as helpers
and are always looking for ways
to improve the lives of their customers
with the products/services they are providing.
Another important part of commitment is
that the best salespeople care about their customers.
The highest-paid sales professionals are emotionally hooked
on their products/services
as well as their customers.
They really want to make a difference
in the lives of their customers
with the products/services they are providing.
Ultimately, the best salespeople believe in themselves
and their ability to succeed.
They have an almost unshakable belief in
their ability to achieve their goals
and overcome obstacles.
They are very confident,
optimistic and passionate.
“Making money is a game most people
just don’t know how to play.” – Grant Cardone
When I started providing financial services,
I named my business card “sales representative”.
That’s how I see myself
and how my current
and potential clients see me.
Then one day,
I decided to change my description to “consultant”.
I threw away all my existing business cards
and put a new title on the front of the card
– “Financial Consultant”.
This really created a strange effect!
From that day on,
I think of myself as a consultant:
A person who gives professional advice,
a consultant and a guide to clients
to help them organize their financial lives,
and your investments.
And my customers reacted in a different way.
When they see the name “Consultant” on my business card,
they treat me differently.
Instead of being suspicious
and defensive,
they became more open,
more intimate,
and more interested in what I had to say.
“Getting money requires intention,
and continued interest in creating financial freedom.” – Grant Cardone
Become a consultant.
The best salespeople see themselves
as consultants/advisors
– not just salespeople.
How can you become a consultant?
Very simple.
Behave like a consultant in all client interactions.
How does the seller advise?
They ask good questions
and listen carefully to the answers.
They try to understand
what others want to share
instead of simply trying
to get others to understand them.
They deliberately focus on the customer
and seek to understand the customer’s situation
so that they can make good suggestions
to help the customer.
Salespeople with consulting skills find out
what problems they can solve their customers’ problems.
They realize that anything they sell is either a solution
to a problem
or a tool to satisfy a customer need.
Their first job in a sales meeting is to find a real need
and figure out what can help satisfy that need.
Consultants realize they are working
for the benefit of the client,
not their own.
And the most interesting thing here is
that customers will accept you
to the extent that you rate yourself.
If you consider yourself a consultant
and describe yourself as a consultant to your clients,
they will accept that you are a consultant
and they will treat you like an investor question.
Possibly the hardest part of being a consultant
and not simply a salesperson is having the courage
to call yourself a consultant for the first time.
(For more on what it takes to become a consultant,
see chapter 4– “Selling on Consulting.”)
“Think it, say it, do it, create it.” – Grant Cardone
The starting point to being a great person is
when you take 100% responsibility for your own life
and for everything that happens to you.
This is another area where the 80/20 rule works.
The top 20% of people
who are at the top in all fields see themselves
as self-employed.
They always clearly identify themselves
as the person responsible for their own life.
When you’re self-employed,
you see yourself as the director of a company
with one employee – yourself
. You are responsible for selling a product
– your own personal services
– in a competitive market
(In the next chapter,
I will explain in more detail how
to become the director of your company.)
The best salespeople see themselves
as the directors of their own private companies.
The best salespeople don’t complain about anything,
especially their company,
and the challenges of selling in a tough market.
The best salespeople don’t criticize others,
especially competitors.
They also refuse to justify,
instead of justifying,
they will find ways to grow.
In particular, professionals who are responsible
for themselves do not blame anything or anyone
when their life is difficult or difficult.
They always repeat the saying:
“I am the one in charge!
I am the one responsible!
I am the one responsible!”
Take responsibility for all problems.
As the directors of their own private sales company,
the best salespeople take responsibility
for everything that happens in their business.
They are responsible for setting goals
and making strategic plans.
They are responsible for quality control
and continuous product improvement.
They are responsible for advertising,
sales and income generation.
They are responsible for their finances
and all their activities.
Most importantly,
they are responsible for the results.
The best salespeople are responsible
for the planning
and scheduling of each day.
They realize that the only product
they have to sell is their time
and so will arrange to be able
to utilize every minute they have
in front of each customer
to explain their product/service.
The best salespeople are accountable
for their sales results,
meeting and exceeding their targets no matter
what happens to the market.
There seems to be a direct link between self-esteem
and willingness to take responsibility.
The more responsible you are,
the more powerful you will feel,
and it is these feelings that
will strengthen your self-esteem
and sense of confidence.
The more responsible you are,
the more positive emotions you will have,
and therefore the more energetic you will be.
The more energetic you are,
the more your ability to focus
and work effectively will increase
when work becomes busy
and therefore your business results will become much better.
“If your money doesn’t work while you sleep,
you’re never going to have any money.” – Grant Cardone
In any field, especially sales,
it seems that preparation is the clearest sign
of true professionalism.
Before each meeting,
the more prepared you are,
the more confident you will be
and make a good impression on your clients,
especially in the first meeting.
As I described in the introduction to the book,
the best salespeople learn everything about their customers
before they even meet.
They define goals for each meeting
and write down the questions
they plan to ask the client in advance.
After each meeting,
they write down all the details
and keep important details
that they can refer to
when they visit the client in subsequent meetings.
Another characteristic of the best salespeople
is that they plan
and prepare before and after each workday.
They make plans
for the following week on Saturday or Sunday.
They plan each workday the night before
and early that morning,
before the sale begins.
The planning and preparation is done “underground”.
During the sales session,
when the customers are ready to meet,
the real experts don’t do anything but visit the customer.
“To get what you want,
you have to deserve what you want.” – Tai Lopez
There is a fact:
“To make more money,
you need to study more.”
It seems that the amount of lessons you learn about
how to do your job better is directly related
to the size and growth of your earnings.
You should spend 30 to 60 minutes a day reading sales books,
preferably in the morning before starting the work day.
Reading one or two chapters
of a good book on sales every morning
is the equivalent of reading one book a week
and 50 books a year.
By regularly reading books related to your field,
you will soon become one of the most knowledgeable
and highest paying salespeople in that field.
Discovering the incredible power
of reading business books
early in my career has completely changed my life.
When I encourage other sellers
to read books every day,
they also report to me that their sales immediately change,
sometimes doubling and even tripling
within a day
or two month.
Try applying
this book” with yourself.
The best salespeople also listen
to educational radio programs in the car,
from their iPod or smart phone,
and while exercising.
They never miss an opportunity
to learn something valuable
and useful that may be useful in their work.
The top-earning salespeople also participate in training courses
and seminars about sales
or related to their field of activity.
They are constantly learning
and hungry for information.
This is an attitude that
I developed at the very beginning of my career
and it has helped me a lot.
I start each day imagining
that there’s an extremely valuable piece of information
or knowledge somewhere around here that,
if found,
would skyrocket my sales
as well as my income.
With this attitude,
I constantly seek,
listen and ask questions,
participate in conferences
and seminars in search of that holy grail.
And you know what happens?
I always find valuable ideas
and knowledge,
even after many years of successful business,
ideas and knowledge that can help me work,
even more effectively,
in finding better customers
and convincing them that my product/service
is the best choice for them.
Continuous learning is another active area of the 80/20 rule.
This rule states that 80% of salespeople
who are not professionally trained,
or if still involved,
will rarely make the effort
to learn anything new
for the rest of their business enterprise.
And their income reflects this.
They are always in the bottom 80% of people.
They are always struggling
and worried about money.
They are always jealous of those at the top.
But they are not willing to work hard,
constantly learn,
and as a result,
their life could never be better.
But for those in the top 20%,
things are different.
Remember that happiness
is the progressive realization of a goal or ideal.
Every time you learn
and apply something new,
you will feel that you are growing up
and being pushed forward.
Learning releases endorphins,
chemicals known as natural “happy drugs,”
in your brain.
As you learn and apply new ideas,
you have more positive
and joyful emotions.
You feel more responsible for your own life,
feel stronger about yourself.
Your self-esteem and confidence are also strengthened.
You love and respect yourself more each time
you find new pieces of information
that you can use to improve your quality of life
and your accomplishments.
Saint Francis of Assisi once wrote:
“The way to heaven is paradise itself.”
Achieving a big goal isn’t the only factor in your happiness
. It is the constant efforts
and the feeling
that you are gradually conquering the set goal
that really help you to get the feeling
of happiness and excitement.
Every time you learn
and apply a new idea,
or even think about applying a new idea,
you become happier and more confident in your abilities.
Invest in yourself.
Here’s the key to maximizing your potential
as well as your income:
Invest 3% of your personal income in yourself
for the rest of your career.
Let’s put this principle first.
If you make $50k per year,
invest $1,500 in yourself
so you can work better and earn more.
The return you get from this investment in yourself can be 10,
20 or even 50 times more than what you put in.
It is the highest return you can get
from any financial investment.
One of the best salespeople ever came
to me at my seminar
and said that he had invested $75
to buy a tape recorder of a sales training program
called Psychology in Business.
The Psychology of selling a year ago.
He was already well-paid
and successful as a salesman,
but was always open-minded
and willing to learn new ideas.
Well, thanks to the sales training program
and the ideas that came up in the program,
ideas that he wasn’t aware of before,
he increased his personal income to $75,000
in just a few days in 12 months.
The profit this salesman made on this investment was more
than 1,000 times what he invested.
And I’ve heard similar stories
from thousands of the highest-paid sales professionals in all fields,
who invested their money in books,
and seminars throughout their work.
When investing 3% of total income
into yourself on a regular basis
you’ll be amazed at the rate
at which your sales and earnings grow.
Of course, the reverse is also true.
If you don’t continuously invest in yourself
to be able to do better and better,
nothing will happen.
Your income will either stay the same
or slowly decrease.
You will struggle and worry about money
throughout your career.
You will always covet,
even envy,
the best salespeople who make a lot of money,
drive brand new cars and have lavish vacations.
What kind of person do you want to be?
The good news is that you have what it takes
to become one of the best salespeople in your field.
Everyone who is at the top has already started
at the starting line.
But when you start thinking
and acting like leaders,
you will soon reap the results they have achieved.
And sometimes, you’ll get these spectacular results
so quickly that you can’t even imagine.
When I first started out in my sales career,
I took the Extended Sales Psychology program over and over again
to master key methods,
and strategies.
The hardest and most important thing
that I learned during my first year of diligently applying
these skills was how to get over rejection,
time and time again.
Rejection is like the focusing mechanism in a camera;
The more rejections you get,
the better you will know yourself.
One mental method that has helped me is
to imagine a master sculptor chiseling small pieces
out of a human-sized block of marble.
Each objection
I received was the equivalent of a piece of rock hewn out of the rock,
bringing it closer to the form of a human,
until the great sculptor successfully sculpted a sculpture perfect image.
That perfect statue is who you really are
and your ability to persevere in your work
in the face of rejection.
In the end, facing and overcoming the fear of rejection will act
as both a fuel source and a guide,
helping you to move forward unstoppable.
Above the ancient Greek temple of Delphi is a reminder:
“Know yourselves, children.”
Constant rejection can be the best way
to help you really get to know yourself.
“Born broke is not the issue,
staying broke is.” – Grant Cardone
Here are some questions based on
what we’ve covered in this chapter:
State exactly why you want
to be one of the best sellers in your field.
How will this change your life?
If you were absolutely certain that
you would achieve great success
in your business career,
how would you change your sales practices?
What are your main sales and income goals at the moment?
How much money do you want to make
and how many products
will you need to sell to be able to make that money next year?
What features and benefits
do you personally like most about the product you’re selling?
What benefits do your products/services bring to customers?
How can you behave more like a consultant
and less like a salesperson
the next time you meet a client or prospect?
Every day, what would you do differently
if you owned 100% of the equity
of the company you work for
and were 100% responsible
for the sales results of your business?
And finally,
if there was one thing you wanted to do right after
what you learned in this chapter,
what would you do?