You can! Nothing is impossible!
Chapter 55: Listen in communication
To understand a truth, it takes two people
– one to speak and one to listen. – Henry David Thoreau
True stillness is rest of the mind.
The mind needs stillness just as the body needs sleep
because it nourishes and refreshes our spirit. – William Penn
I think one of the biggest mistakes
is talking too much and listening less.
You can find out what other people are thinking
by subtly engaging them in conversation,
and in most cases,
that shouldn’t be difficult.
If you listen carefully
and talk a little less,
you will have a huge advantage over someone who talks too much.
It’s a pity for someone
who talks too much without realizing
that the people around may know more than they do.
However, it can be said
that 95% of us are that poor person. – Napoleon Hill
In an attempt to appear wise,
many people talk too much
and forget that the more they talk,
the more they show their weakness.
Listen to learn.
True wisdom often manifests itself in humility and silence.
US President Ulysses S. Grant was not a brilliantly intelligent person,
but he made his career
by knowing how to listen and learn constantly.
At that time,
people called him “The Quiet President”.
However, one thing to note is
that you should also choose the audience to listen to.
Listen with respect and an open mind
to new ideas and theories.
Listen and absorb the knowledge you gain
through these conversations.
J. C. Hare said: “True humility does not mean not knowing your values,
but recognizing them”.
Listening not only helps you to improve yourself,
but it also improves your relationships.
When you know how to listen,
you will have the opportunity to learn more interesting things
and show your respect for the other person.
Speak less, and listen and observe a lot.
The most important thing in communication
is hearing what isn’t said. ― Peter Drucker