You can! Nothing is impossible!
Chapter 14: Jealousy
We often feel proud of even our darkest desires,
but no one has the courage to admit
that they harbor envy. — Francois duc de La Rochefoucauld
Obviously, people who are envious
and malicious can never have peace of mind,
for that jealousy
and malice are always gnawing at their minds.
People who fail often don’t want to see other people succeed.
I have noticed that successful people often speak well
of other successful people;
and they have an attitude of wanting to learn from others rather
than being jealous.
In contrast, unsuccessful people often try to find ways
to criticize or disparage successful people.
Even when they can’t find any bad points in the work
that successful people achieve,
they will dig for traces in other areas.
They clearly show malice
and that proves they do not know
how to use their minds properly,
and therefore,
they can never be at peace. — Napoleon Hill
Jealousy means being annoyed at the good fortune
and success of others.
While successful people always see
and learn the good qualities of others,
unsuccessful people fail to do so.
They do not want to talk about the success of others,
and always find ways to disparage and lower them.
They let envy,
and feelings of inferiority gnaw at their minds day after day.
Envy not only makes people feel tired
but also limits the development of each person.
Jealousy causes us to waste time
and not be able to use our full potential to get what we want.
Being jealous of other people’s success will cause us
to lose our own chances of success.
Nature created man in difference and equality.
You need to realize that you are unique
and there can never be anyone exactly like you,
both in appearance and personality.
So, instead of being jealous of other people’s success and luck,
focus your whole mind on your dreams and plans,
and try to fulfill them thoroughly.
Be proud of your difference
and rejoice at the luck
and success of those around you.
That joy will give wings to your happiness
and sooner or later,
you will also achieve success like them.
Ask yourself if what you’re doing today is getting you closer
to where you want to be tomorrow. ― Paulo Coelho