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George Matthew Adams! You can! Nothing is impossible! Give and Receive

You can! Nothing is impossible!

Chapter 18: Give and Receive

The hand that knows how to give flowers to others

is the hand that keeps the fragrance. — Hada Bejar


The essence of Think and Grow Rich is that the more you give,

the more you will receive.

When doing anything

– serving customers,

working with partners,

with employees or taking care of your family

– get in the habit of doing a little more than people expect of you.

Just like when you choose to take a detour,

even if you have to go more than a mile,

you will avoid traffic jams.

A little effort like that makes you stand out,

and you’ll discover that serving others is one of life’s great joys. — Napoleon Hill


One of the principles of success is sowing and reaping.

Many people just wait for the ship’s opportunity

to come to the docks to pick them up

without spending much effort to swim out to sea to catch it

– even in the most dangerous situations;

therefore, they will never understand the principle of success.

Trying to bring success to someone is impossible,

but we can support them

by helping them understand

that only they are capable

of bringing success to themselves. — Don M. Green


Happiness is the dream,

also the goal of everyone.

After all, all human thoughts

and actions revolve around this goal.

Many people accumulate money

with the desire to be happy.

But wise people always understand

that happiness only comes

when they know how to give.

Happiness is the only asset

that you will get more of

when you share it with others.

One of the basic laws of life is

that the more you give,

the more you will receive.

It is like a mirror reflecting exactly

what you have been,

are and will receive from life.

Every dispute or failure stems from our disregard of this law.

Broken families,

bankrupt businesses,

forgotten friendships…

all have a part in this.

If you give away jealousy,



sooner or later they will come back to you.

So give your best,

not only for others but also for yourself.

Understanding the meaning of giving and receiving,

you will no longer complain

or feel disappointed in life.

Let’s give to make life more beautiful,

even if it’s just a smile.

A smile is simple,

but it is the most meaningful gift you can give to others.

Like the warm rays of the sun,

a smile can warm cold hearts

and help them feel more confident in life.

Please share the knowledge you have.

All knowledge is meaningless if it is not shared.

When you are at the peak of your victory,

share your experiences

and secrets with everyone

so that they can have the same success as you.

None of us has the right to receive more than we give.

Life is always very fair,

you will receive more when you know how to give your best.

Therefore, be as willing to give as you are willing to receive.

“Men are rich only as they give.

He who gives great service gets great rewards.” – Elbert Hubbard

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