Secrets of closing the sale!
The act of taking the first step is what separates the winners
from the losers. — Brian Tracy
If you are truly passionate about sales or any other field,
you must start by building a true self-image.
Professor Emol Fails,
one of my first teachers,
once said that it is not you
who are building your own career,
but you are building people’s trust.
After all, it is they who create your career.
When we talk about closing tactics,
we have to deal with the fact
that a lot of salespeople use a lot of fancy selling techniques.
They constantly talk about the features,
differences of the product,
but they don’t dare to directly ask customers to buy
that product because they are afraid of being rejected.
Chris Hegarty, a well-known sales coach,
pointed out
that 63% of customer meetings end in failure
without any support from the seller.
Self-awareness plays a huge role in improving your skills
and performance.
The ability to perform in public is one of the factors
that help build confidence
or attending lectures is also one of the steps
you should take to build a true self-image.
The next step is to become an expert on the right sales tactics
for your business.
These tactics only become part of who you are
when you truly understand and live with them.
You will feel a growing confidence within you,
along with an improved self-perception.
With that new awareness, you understand that in any deal,
when the time is right,
you will be confident enough to close the deal successfully.
Perhaps the example I present below will help you understand
how essential building self-awareness is if you really want
to build a brilliant sales career.
I’m taking real estate as an example here,
but you can apply it to your case,
no matter what product you’re offering.
One morning, on the way to work, you suddenly see a sign:
“Selling the owner’s house, free of middlemen”.
You timidly knock on the door.
When the host appears,
you correct your posture
and prepare to begin your talk.
But she quickly interrupts you:
“Hold on.
Let me ask you this question.
Are you in the real estate business?
You just need to answer “yes” or “no”.
As soon as you’ve confessed,
the landlady says,
“I’ll tell you what I told two real estate agents who used to come here.
I will sell this house myself.
I personally planted each bushes
and grass in this yard,
so I don’t have to pay you thousands of dollars in commission
just to sell me a house
that I know better than you every nook and cranny of.
I don’t want to hear any more about this!”
And she slams the door right in front of you.
If your self-perception is poor,
you have no respect for yourself,
and of course the host doesn’t respect you either.
I bet you’ll lament:
“I’m so unlucky! No one wants to see me!”
and depressed looking to a coffee shop to gnaw sadness.
Then you realize that you should get back to work soon,
deal with the jams of correspondence
and make calls to customers
because in the end you can’t sell anything
if a mess like so just surround you.
You tell yourself Monday morning you’ll go back to work with a
whole new set of moods.
And now it’s Wednesday already.
If your reaction is correct,
then I am sure that 98% of people
who procrastinate are often the ones
who have problems with self-perception.
They don’t want to face the rejection any salesperson would encounter
when he makes a call to a prospect.
So salespeople often choose the safe solution of “hiding behind” desks
or busy attending meetings to discuss upcoming plans.
If you are focusing too much on documenting
and preparing too many unnecessary documents
for a few deals,
it’s time to take action to change the situation.
Never complain, never explain.
Resist the temptation to defend yourself
or make excuses. — Brian Tracy
You get rich connecting with opportunities
that can produce and multiply money.
You don’t get rich saving money.
Missing opportunities is
what costs people money. – Grant Cardone
Now let’s go back to the example above,
but there is one important change,
that is, you are a very confident person.
After some unpleasant exchanges with the host,
she slams the door right in front of you.
However, this time
because you know the right perception of yourself,
you respond with a different attitude.
You understand that it is the woman
who is having the problem, not you.
Because of that,
you’re happy to find another client
who doesn’t have the same problem as her.
I believe you have heard even uttered this sentence:
“He/She drives me crazy!”
I hope you think back and see,
as psychologists often say, “NO
You can’t stir the soup if it’s not in the pot.”
People can’t take out their “anger” on you,
they can only bring it up with your permission.
No one is going to come to your house
and make your dreams come true. -Grant Cardone
Ask yourself if what you’re doing today is getting you closer
to where you want to be tomorrow. ― Paulo Coelho
I would like to share
with you some of my personal experiences to highlight the fact
that a salesperson’s self-perception has a direct impact on his career.
When I was a novice salesman,
every time I knocked on a certain house,
I knew that I would have a potential customer
and another potential customer in the next house
and a new customer in another twenty miles away.
I will “visit” the first house and if the customer refuses to buy,
I will use my judgment.
That is to say,
I will watch the outside of the next client’s house predicts
whether this is the “psychologically appropriate time” to meet with them.
Maybe they’re having lunch
or taking a nap
or having a violent argument…
and 101 other reasons I know
I shouldn’t be knocking on their door at that time.
So what will I do? Very simple.
I’m going to the house twenty miles away
to meet the other client.
Why did I choose this solution?
Because I will use my driving time
to prepare the content that will speak to the client.
(So the first customer turned down my purchase
because I wasn’t “prepared” well.)
I was trying to prove to myself
that I was still “working” all those twenty miles.
The bottom line here is very clear.
I am not yet well aware of myself,
even I reject myself.
In my mind, the refusal of the customer
in the first house made me hesitant
to knock on the door of the next house
to hear another rejection.
My advice is to improve your self-awareness,
your business situation will definitely improve accordingly.
Your greatness is limited only
by the investments you make in yourself. – Grant Cardone
I prefer dreams of the future
to the history of the past. – Thomas Jefferson
Eleanor Roosevelt once said,
“There is no one in the world
who can make you feel inferior without your permission.”
Indeed, if you have the right self-awareness,
you can meet many customers continuously
without the mood being affected
by the outcome of the meeting.
I think human endurance is finite,
which is why I often talk about building self-awareness
as well as listening to your own talks often,
especially after a few minutes
when you were flatly rejected.
Professor Maxwell Maltz, a plastic surgeon,
once said that the aim of all psychotherapy is
to build a patient’s confidence and correct self-image.
Self-confidence or self-righteousness
here is completely different from excessive complacency,
like “I am the best!”
(Those who slap their breasts
“I am the best!” often have a weak sense of self.)
Most people around them assume
that these people are suffering from egotism,
a disease that makes everyone feel tired except the sufferer himself!
All great salespeople have a positive (not complacent) ego.
If they let their smug ego take over,
they won’t be able to excel.
I am talking about self-awareness,
that is, accepting yourself for
what it is and in the most positive way.
When you learn to accept yourself
to the full of your weaknesses
and weaknesses, it will be easier
for you to understand and communicate
(I’m not saying you will agree) with people around you,
including our customers.
Self-awareness is incredibly important,
so build it up and you’ll build your sales career bigger,
and faster.
Whether you have been pursuing this career in sales
for a long time or are just starting out,
Whether your self-perception is good
or bad right now,
towards becoming a professional salesperson,
I believe I can understand you
and read your feelings.
I don’t believe any of you,
who will read this book,
listen to my cassettes or watch my videos,
or attend my courses,
will become fearful or anxious,
less confident than I used to be.
I also don’t believe any of you could be more frustrated,
or unwilling to take those initial steps
with clients than I did when I first started my career.
I want to say all of that to give you my personal reassurance
that your opportunity still exists.
It doesn’t matter where you are coming from.
All that matters is where you are going. — Brian Tracy
The only difference between a rich person
and a poor person is how they use their time. ― Robert Kiyosaki
The third aspect of the attitude section
that I want to share is how you treat people around you.
Why do you think the person you’re talking
to turns out to be on the other side of the line?
Are you looking at him as someone
who will give you money
when you buy something
or someone who is in real trouble and needs your help?
Do you really see?
Do you understand and sympathize with him
or is your goal just to sell
and profit for yourself?
Many surveys conducted across the country have shown
that what customers complain about the most is the impolite,
apathetic, indifferent attitude
and poor performance of sales staff.
Two of them are obviously directly related to the relationship
between people and people,
a very simple thing,
but if we do not improve the situation,
we will not be able to maintain the relationship contact anyone else.
And in terms of business,
there will be no more customers
for us to sell products to.
Cavett Robert once said that every day,
nearly three-quarters of the world’s population goes to bed hungry.
And he added that there are even more people
who are going to bed hungry for recognition.
It is quite important here
that every salesperson must be aware of the value
or importance of each customer they are dealing with.
Respect and understanding
from the bottom of your heart will help
you go a long way in improving your business situation
as well as on the road to building your sales career.
If you pay close attention
to the most successful people in business and sales,
as well as in politics or religion,
you will notice that they all adhere to a single philosophy:
Live well. No exceptions!
How do you view your relationship with your customers?
Do you think you are a friend,
someone who can really help,
who always puts the customer’s interests first?
Do you agree with the view:
a person will get the most
from the people he helps most devotedly?
I hope your answer is yes,
because in the world of sales,
the best way to get customers is
to build a good relationship
with the people you are dealing with.
According to an article
by Jill Griffin published in the Austin Business Journal,
a mid-sized American business loses
at least 20% of customers every year.
For some companies, like auto companies
or Internet service providers,
that number even accounts for 50% of revenue.
Griffin believes that the best way
to win the race to win customers is
to always see the customer as king.
I think that to do this, it is necessary
to build a good relationship right
from the first contact.
including coaches,
home owners,
interior designers
or any other profession is in sales.
Keep that in mind if you want to be a professional salesperson.
Forum Company has made a very interesting finding
that most of the excellent sales people are always careful,
thoughtful in their communication
with colleagues in the company
as well as with customers.
Because salespeople,
even very successful ones are largely without subordinates,
completing their work alongside people
they have little or no direct control over.
They build strong relationships
and win the hearts of those
who assist them with delivery,
and generally the people who help them (those achievers)
to please their customers.
That helps the senior salesperson stay true
to his customer commitments
and continues to show them that he is someone
who can be trusted.
The following section proves this point very clearly:
I will be a customer never to return!
I am a very easygoing customer.
Almost everyone who works in sales knows me.
I never complain,
no matter the quality of service I receive.
When I go into a store to shop for something,
I never behave arrogantly or aggressively.
I try to empathize with everyone.
If I come across an employee
with a disdainful look on his face
who’s just about to get angry
because I want to see a lot of things
before I decide to buy,
I try to be as polite as possible;
I don’t think it’s good manners to respond with rudeness.
I never protested, complained or criticized
and I never thought I would do the things I see in public places.
No, I am a very easy customer,
and I am so easygoing
that I will never go back to a place
where I have not been respected!
It was a little “revenge” for being treated so rudely
and accepting all he had to offer,
because I knew I would never go back.
This may not immediately soothe me,
but in the long run,
it will make me a lot more comfortable
than holding my anger inside.
In fact, an easy-going customer like me
and countless others who often think like
that can destroy anyone’s business career.
And it must be emphasized
that there are many people like me!
When his rude behavior pushes us far enough,
we will find another shop
where they always appreciate their easygoing customers.
People often say,
keep smiling,
let’s say you win,
but then see the results.
I also laugh when I see him “crazy” advertising to hold me back,
when he could have kept me in the first place
with just a smile and pleasant words.
Maybe he works somewhere else
and his situation
is probably very “different”,
but if the job
If your business is too bad,
chances are:
if you change your attitude,
the whole world will turn against you,
and I will also go from being an easy customer never
to be a customer again.
easygoing always comes back
and brings many of his friends, too.
Efforts to retain customers are critical
to bottom-line business results for two reasons.
According to Larry J. Rosenberg and John A. Czepiel
in the March issue of Consumer Marketing,
In 1984, the loss of a customer would reduce the profit
of a mid-sized company by $118,
while to keep that customer happy it costs them only $20!
And that’s the numbers for 1984!
Imagine how much that number is now?
Despite that fact,
it is estimated that midsize companies continue to spend six times
as much on acquiring new customers
as they spend on retaining old ones.
I would also like to add one more thing
that if a customer is left in such anger,
he can tell an average of 11 other people about the problem
and the spread can grow exponentially.
This is really damaging to your company!
But coincidentally,
the losers always think about “replacing” customers,
while the winners always think about
how to keep customers
and attract new customers to grow the business.
If you’re treating your customers
with such a bad attitude,
you won’t sell
or earn anything because,
as I said earlier,
selling is about “conveying” emotions and feelings.
Customers always quickly realize the greed,
self-interest of yourself
or your company.
The story below is about an attitude
that benefits both parties:
you and the customer.
A few years ago,
I injured my right knee
while bowling in Omaha, Nebraska.
A friend of mine,
many years younger than me,
“sly” implied that I was old.
What does he think
when my left knee is clearly the same age as my right knee,
and it is still very normal,
then obviously age is not the cause of my right knee injury!
Not long after my injury,
I gave a talk in San Francisco
in front of 2,500 people.
After the introduction,
as I hobbled onto the podium,
I could feel the audience whispering to themselves:
Oh, my God! Look at Zig and see! God bless him,
he’s disabled,
but I bet he’s trying as hard as he can.
Indeed, to this day,
I still do not understand the healing effects of the microphone worn
around my neck that day.
It must have had some medicinal value
because as soon as they put it on my neck,
my knee pain stopped!
For the next 65 minutes,
I was constantly standing up and down,
and doing the things my audience was used to seeing
that I didn’t feel any pain.
When I finished my speech and walked off the stage,
my knees fell and I fell over.
Excellence and Perfection is not a destination;
it is a continuous journey that never ends. — Brian Tracy
Remember, your mind is your greatest asset,
so be careful what you put into it. — Robert Kiyosaki
You can probably guess what happened.
During those 65 minutes,
I didn’t think about my injured knee,
but only about the client
and how I could help solve their problem.
I didn’t do it on purpose, it’s all subconscious.
The same will happen to you.
I strongly suspect salespeople
who try to put a halo around them and say,
“I’m selling this product
because I want to help people.”
I noticed that they always want
to receive the commission in cash!
I also want to say right away
that I want to help people too,
but we all have one thing in common:
If the company stops paying us,
our financial need will force us
to stop helping people right away,
people by selling that product
or providing that service,
no matter how deep our faith
and love for the work we do.
When talking to a customer,
you should focus on solving his problem,
because in the same time,
you are also taking steps towards the goals
you set for your work
and sales career.
Putting the customer first will definitely put you
and the customer in a win-win situation.
Let’s take a look at a finding from DeMarco and Maginn,
who work at Forum,
about the fact that their customers
How successful people view the best salesperson and his role:
“Customers perceive a successful salesperson as someone
who cares deeply about the customer’s needs,
even when he is actively “advertising” his company.
This encourages customers
to share their confidential information,
believing that the other salespeople will try
to understand their concerns
and will be honest and fair when dealing.
Customers see successful people in this industry
as people who actually communicate with them,
not just stand on their own opinions
and talk endlessly about their products.
On the contrary,
professional salespeople also always value the time
that customers spend in contact with them
and always want to use
that time in the most effective way,
because they have invested a lot productive time planning
and preparing for calls.
Customers will notice that and appreciate them.
Successful salespeople must be aware of the pressing needs
of the individual customer,
he is selling to these people,
not to a certain company.
There is a perception
that salespeople should not get involved
in any customer’s personal affairs
except for the purpose of selling.
This notion has so far been completely disproved,
as has been the old view that price doesn’t matter
and you should “promise them anything”
as long as you make a sale.
Customers always want and expect salespeople
to be able to truly become a reliable “source of information”,
always answering their questions immediately,
giving them wise opinions,
positive feedback
due diligence on the product.
An outstanding personality of the
A successful salesperson is always willing
to explain the downsides of the product to his customers.
For customers,
an enthusiastic sales person with them to find a solution
to the problem is always much more appreciated.
A salesperson who knows
how to build a good relationship
and provide the best customer service,
whether it’s a piece of advice,
product information
or a personal opinion,
will definitely help to be trusted by our own customers.”
A clear vision, backed by definite plans,
gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence
and personal power. — Brian Tracy